The custom of pulling at the ear after sneezing-Myth, superstition, or authentic Jewish custom:[1] Some individuals, and God-fearing Jews, have the custom of pulling the [left[2]] lobe of their ear after sneezing.[3] Some pull at the full length of both ears, and not just at the earlobe.[4] Others pull at […]
The obligation to answer Amen to a Mi Shebeirach and to a blessing of a Jew
The obligation to answer Amen to a Mi Shebeirach and to a blessing of a Jew:[1] Whenever one hears someone blessing a Jew [or praying for a certain matter[2]], it is a Mitzvah[3] for the listeners to answer Amen to his blessing [or prayer[4]]. [This applies to all people who […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Wearing a Shabbos hat which protects from the sun
Question: [Sunday, 1st Elul, 5782] I was walking on Shabbos day with a friend of mine and his shabbos hat flew off his head. It was very hot and sunny outside. This entered us into the discussion regarding whether or not it is permitted for him to rewear the hat, […]
Shabbos Rosh Chodesh laws and customs
Shabbos Rosh Chodesh[1] 1. Shabbos Mevarchim Hachodesh:[2] When Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbos the blessing of Mevarchim Hachodesh takes place the previous Shabbos. The Nussach:[3] When Rosh Chodesh falls on Shabbos-Sunday the Nussach recited by the dates of the new month is “Hashabbos Kodesh Ulimacharaso Beyom Harishon”. One however does […]
Sweat-Its toxicity and danger of consumption
Sweat-Its toxicity and danger of consumption:[1] One must beware from [eating] human sweat, as all human sweat is poisonous with exception to the sweat of the face.[2] This is hinted to in the verse[3] “With the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread.”[4] As well, eating sweat is included […]
Cutting the toenails
Cutting the toenails: A. Mitzvah of cutting Lekavod Shabbos: Although it is a Mitzvah to cut one’s hand nails every Erev Shabbos[1], nevertheless, some Poskim[2] conclude that there is no Mitzvah or obligation to cut the toenails on before Shabbos in honor of Shabbos. Nevertheless, if the toenails appear long, […]
Announcing the Molad prior to Birchas Hachodesh
Announcing the Molad prior to Birchas Hachodesh: A. The law:[1] It is proper for one to know the Molad[2] prior to reciting the blessing over the new month, [and so is the Chabad custom, as writes Admur in the Siddur]. [One is to know the exact time of the Molad, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The minimum age for drinking alcohol according to Halacha
Question: [Thursday, 21st Menachem Av 5782] Is there any minimum drinking age according to Jewish law? In most of the world the minimum drinking age is age 18, while in the United States its age 21. I was just wondering if there is any Halachic or Torah-based consideration to these […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Does the altar become invalid if metal merely touches it?
Question: [Wednesday, 20th Menachem Av 5782] I heard something very novel and interesting in a speech by a rabbi the other day that if metal even touches the altar, then the altar becomes invalid. Thus, if one of the priests accidentally touches the altar with a metal knife or with […]
When to begin Davening for a sick person-How sick must they be?
When to begin Davening for a sick person-How sick must they be?[1] When someone has become ill, one is not to spread the word to the public until several days pass. The reason for this is because when one spreads the word that an individual is sick, and people view […]