Hitting the children with the Aravos:[1] The custom of the Chabad Rabbeim [as well as that of Tunisian and Morrocan Jewry[2]] was to gently “whip” their sons with the Hoshanah branches. This included even their adult children. Children above age 18 received three light hits. Those below age 18 received […]
From the Rav’s desk: 1) Making up Hoshanos for Shabbos on hoshana raba; 2) Flatulating in sukkah 3) Hole in pitom
Topic: 1) Repeating Hoshanos of Shabbos on Sunday Question: [Friday, 19th Tishreiy, 5783] This year that Hoshanah Rabbah falls on Sunday, what do we do about the repeating of the Hoshanos that we omitted on Shabbos. Do we not repeat it on Sunday Being that anyways, we’ll be saying all […]
Hoshanah Raba-Laws & Customs
Hoshanah Raba 1. The meaning of Hoshana Raba:[1] During Sukkos we are judged regarding water [i.e. rain].[2] On Hoshana Raba, the judgment of the water is sealed. This is of significant importance to human life as human life is dependent on water. 2. The Aravos for Hoshanos:[3] A. The Mitzvah: […]
Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos-Laws and Customs
Shabbos Chol Hamoed: Cutting nails Erev Shabbos Chol Hamoed: If one cut his nails on Erev Yom Tov then the following is the law:[1] One who cut his nails on Erev Yom Tov [or in close proximity to Erev Yom Tov to the point there was nothing to cut before […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Sukkah with walls that do not extend throughout length 2) Does Chabad ignore Blectlach on an Esrog?
1. Question: [Tuesday, 16th Tishreiy 5783] I have an urgent question regarding my Sukkah, which an individual who walked inside said that he thinks it may be invalid. Basically, I have sheets as walls, however they are not within three Tefachim from the ground, and are not attached well, as […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Lavud string which surrounds entire Sukkah 2) I am visiting Israel with my wife for Sukkos. Must I keep two days of Yom Tov? 3) Turning the electricity back on, on Yom Tov 4) Buying new sneakers on Chol Hamoed
From the Rav’s Desk-Some of our latest Q&A 1) Lavud string which surrounds entire Sukkah Question: [Sunday, 14th Tishreiy, 5783] I am making my Sukkah walls using Lavud, as the walls are from sheets. I would like to know if I can use a single string to wrap around all […]
Havdalah on Motzei Yom Tov
Havdala on Motzei Yom Tov:[1] *In those years that Motzei Yom Tov is also Motzei Shabbos then the order of Havdalah follows the same order as Motzei Shabbos. On Motzei Yom Tov, whether it is Motzei Yom Tov to a weekday or Motzei Yom Tov to Chol Hamoed, one is […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Cooking and Barbecue in a Sukkah
Question: [Sunday, 7th Tishreiy, 5782] May I cook or barbecue in a Sukkah? I have a barbecue that is drilled into my Sukkah patio, may I leave it in the Sukkah and if so, may I use it to barbecue in the Sukkah? Answer: No. You may not cook […]
The order of building the Sukkah-Setting up the walls before the Sechach
The order of building-Setting up the walls before the Sechach?[1] One is not to place the Sechach over the [frame of the] Sukkah prior to building the [Halachically valid] walls.[2] Bedieved, if first placed the Sechach: If one transgressed and first placed the Sechach over the frame and only then […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Working on Chol Hamoed; Tehillim at night during Aseres Yimei Teshuvah; How many Yartzite candles
1. Question: [Sunday, 7th Tishreiy, 5782] I work in home renovations and have a Jewish employee who asked me if he can continue his work and get paid also on Chol Hamoed. I generally never work on Chol Hamoed, as is the law, but this employee is telling me that he really needs […]