Question: [Sunday, 6th MarCheshvan, 5783] I know that it is forbidden to take three steps back at the end of Shemoneh Esrei if someone in back of me is still in middle of Shemoneh Esrei and within your 4 Amos. However, I heard that this only applies if the person […]
Sleeping during daytime-Health, Halacha & Kabbalah
Sleeping during daytime:[1] Sleeping at night versus daytime-Health:[2] Natural sleep is best when it takes place at night. [The Sages state that the nighttime was created for the sake of sleep.[3]] However, sleeping during daytime hours is damaging to the body with exception to those who are accustomed to this. […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The blessing over Chulent
Question: [Sunday, 5th Marcheshvan, 5783] When eating Chulent outside of a meal, what blessing should I recite? Mezonos, Sheakol, Hadama, or all three? My Chulent has barley, wheat, potatoes, and meat. Answer: If the ingredients include barley or wheat, and the Chulent is cooked down to the point that the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Girl at home missed lighting one Erev Shabbos-Must she now light 2? Married woman missed lighting while by parents-Add another candle?
Question: [Thursday, 2nd Marcheshvan 5783] I am accustomed to light candles every Erev Shabbos even though I am not yet married and still live at home, as is the Chabad custom. I forgot to light candles one Erev Shabbos [running late and lost track of time until it was after […]
Handing a gentile, or non-religious Jew, an item on Shabbos which they will carry through an area without an Eiruv-PART 2
Handing a gentile, or non-religious Jew, an item on Shabbos which they will carry through an area without an Eiruv:[1] A. Gentile: Placing the item in the hand of the gentile:[2] It is Rabbinically forbidden for one to place a food or item into the hand of a gentile on […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Hallel in house of Avel; Davening with a travelers waist pouch
1. Question: [Tuesday, 1st MarCheshvan 5783] We are Davening in a Shiva home today on Rosh Chodesh and would like to know what we should do about saying Hallel. There are lots of opinions amongst the Daveners and there is much confusion as to what we are to do. Skip […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Bishul Akum for Sephardim; Sewing torn garment to wear on Rosh Chodesh
Question: [Tuesday, 30th Tishreiy 5783] I am a non-Moroccan Sephardi and am touring Morocco with a group. We went to the local Shul in Marakesh [which has a kitchen] to pick up some Kosher food and they offered our group deep fried dough, known as spingim [i.e. Sufganiyot]. The dough, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Using a Neigal Vaaser cup which lost one of its handles
Question: [Sunday, 28th Tishreiy, 5783] One of the handles of our Neigal Vaaser cup broke off, and I would like to know if it is still valid to be used or not? Answer: So long as the cup itself remains whole without leaks, it remains valid for washing hands in […]
From the Rav’s Desk: What is one to do with the foreskin/arla after a Bris?
Question: [Sunday, 28th Tishreiy, 5783] We recently had a Bris for our son and the Mohel left us the Arla in a cup that is filled with earth. What should we do with this cup and with the Arla? Answer: You should bury it somewhere in the ground anywhere of […]
The history of the reading of the weekly Parsha in Shul [i.e. Kerias Hatorah]
The history of the reading of the weekly Parsha in Shul [i.e. Kerias Hatorah]: The establishment of Krias Hatorah:[1] Moshe Rabbeinu established for the Jewish people that they are to read from the Torah scroll on Shabbos and Holidays. [This reading is of Rabbinical status.[2]] What should be read-who established […]