Where are Yeshiva and seminary students, to light the Chanukah candles-In their dorm room, or dining room?

Where are students who dorm [i.e. Yeshiva Bochurim, seminary girls, college students, soldiers on base] to light the Chanukah candles-In their dorm room, or dining room?[1] A. Background: Their lighting obligation:[2] Bochurim [single Yeshiva students, as well as Bochurot, single girls] who live in Yeshiva [or seminary] do not fulfill […]

From the Rav’s Desk: According to Chabad custom when should one initially light the Menorah

Question: [Tuesday, 22nd Kisleiv 5781] According to the Chabad custom, when should we initially light the candles? I’ve heard so many different things such as immediately after sunset or anytime between sunset and nightfall or immediately before nightfall or 10 minutes after nightfall. Which one is correct?   Answer: According […]