Question: [Tuesday, 26th Kisleiv, 5783] Is it true that all the holidays will be nullified in the future era except for Chanukah and Purim? Is there a source for this? Answer: The Sages state that in the future era, all the Holidays will be nullified with exception to Purim and […]
Where are Yeshiva and seminary students, to light the Chanukah candles-In their dorm room, or dining room?
Where are students who dorm [i.e. Yeshiva Bochurim, seminary girls, college students, soldiers on base] to light the Chanukah candles-In their dorm room, or dining room?[1] A. Background: Their lighting obligation:[2] Bochurim [single Yeshiva students, as well as Bochurot, single girls] who live in Yeshiva [or seminary] do not fulfill […]
From the Rav’s Desk’s: Lighting the Chanukah candles in one’s store to fulfill one’s obligation
Question: [Monday, 25h Kisleiv, 5783] I run a store which works late hours and wanted to know if I can fulfill my obligation of lighting candles by lighting candles in the store such as in my office where I spend a lot of my time during the day at work? […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Repeating blessings over the Menorah when lighting later at night after Mivtzaim
Question: [Sunday, 24th Kisleiv, 5783] I was wondering what is the law if I will be going on Mivtzaim to help other Jews light Chanukah candles, and in some cases I will need to say the blessings for them. Number one, is it permitted for me to say the blessing […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Calling someone in America after Shabbos is over in Israel
Question: [Thursday, 14th Kisleiv 5783] I am currently in Israel and have a gentile employee in the United States and wanted to know if it is permitted for me to converse with him after Shabbos is over for me in Israel, but while it is still Shabbos in the US? […]
Saying Hamotzi over a large slice or loaf versus a smaller slice or loaf
Question: [Wednesday, 20th Kisleiv 5783] I came a little late for a Seuda and there were no more whole loaves available, as they were all broken into. Is there any preference regarding which of the broken loaves I say Hamotzi over such as a small broken loaf versus a large […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The value of Torah learning [Daf Yomi, Daiy Rambam, Chassidus] even when you don’t understand what you are learning
Question: [Tuesday, 19th Kisleiv, 5783] I tried to keep up with the Daf Yomi and daily Rambam, but often due to time constraints and due to simple lacking of Talmudic skills it can happen that I don’t understand anything that I read on the Daf or Rambam, or understand it […]
If one is traveling overnight [i.e. plane, car] what is he to do about lighting Chanukah candles
If one is traveling overnight [i.e. plane, car] what is he to do about lighting Chanukah candles?[1] A. Background Halachos: Relying on one’s family’s lighting:[2] One who is staying as a guest in another person’s home during Chanukah, is not obligated to light candles if his wife [or other family […]
From the Rav’s Desk: According to Chabad custom when should one initially light the Menorah
Question: [Tuesday, 22nd Kisleiv 5781] According to the Chabad custom, when should we initially light the candles? I’ve heard so many different things such as immediately after sunset or anytime between sunset and nightfall or immediately before nightfall or 10 minutes after nightfall. Which one is correct? Answer: According […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Can angels’ sin and do they have freedom of choice, reward and punishment?
Question: [Sunday, 10th Kisleiv, 5783] Is it possible for angels to sin? I am a bit confused about the subject as everyone always says that angels can’t sin and that’s why they are called angels and therefore they do not even have freedom of choice. This is the basic difference […]