May stepsiblings[1] get married to each other:[2] There is no Halachic restriction against stepsiblings getting married to each other being that they have no biological relation.[3] Nonetheless, based on the writings of Rebbe Yehuda Hachassid, one should not do so.[4] [However, there is no issue with a person marrying the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Using Uber eats and other food delivery services-Two Chosmos
Question: [Monday, 9th Sivan 5783] It is very common when placing an order by a restaurant, or even by a supermarket, to have it delivered by a Gentile delivery driver and worker. This is becoming even more common today with the Uber eat app, in which the uber driver picks […]
Speech-Honoring one’s parents through speech
Speech-Honoring one’s parents through speech:[1] A. Speaking respectfully:[2] Included in the mitzvah of honoring one’s parents is to speak to them with respect. One is to speak with them in a soft and appeasing tone, as if one is talking to the king. Speaking to one’s parents in the third […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Forgot to recite Birchas Hamazon at home and remembered at work
Question: [Sunday, 8th Sivan, 5783] I just finished breakfast and was in a rush to catch the train to get to work, and I absentmindedly left my home without reciting Birchas Hamazon for my breakfast meal which included bread, even though I had intended to say it before I left. […]
Traveling to and from Israel after Shavuos in years that Parshiyos are not aligned
Traveling to and from Israel after Shavuos in years that Parshiyos are not aligned:[1] In years that the first day of Shavuos falls on Erev Shabbos, then on Shabbos in Eretz Yisrael the weekly Parsha [i.e. Naso] is read, while the Diaspora differs the weekly Parsha and instead reads the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Immersing in a Mikveh on Friday afternoon for the sake of Shabbos if Friday is Yom Tov
Question: [Wednesday, 4th Sivan 5783] I always immerse in a Mikveh on the afternoon of Erev Shabbos in preparation for Shabbos. Should one also do so in occurrences [such as this year’s Shavuos], when Yom Tov falls on Erev Shabbos, and hence one would be immersing on the afternoon of […]
From the Rav’s Desk: When to say Yizkor if the second day of Shavuos falls on Shabbos?
Question: [Sunday, 24th Nisan, 5782] When is Yizkor to be said in years that the second day of Shavuos falls on Shabbos? On Shabbos? On Friday, the first day of Chag as said in Israel? Or not at all? Answer: On Shabbos. Yizkor is customarily recited [in the diaspora] on […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Should one say Besimcha or Berina in Lecha Dodi of Motzei Yom Tov
Question: [Monday, 2nd Sivan 5783] I am wondering regarding what is the correct Nussach to say in Lecha Dodi in Israel this Friday night. Should we say Berina being that it is no longer Yom Tov, or should we say Besimcha being that we are coming off the joy of […]
Shavuos that falls on Erev Shabbos-Laws and reminders
Shavuos that falls on Erev Shabbos-Laws and reminders: A. Thursday-Erev Shavuos: Perform Eruv Tavshilin. Light a 24 hour candle on Erev Shavuos to use to light candles on Friday. B. Friday-Shavuos day: When to eat the Yom Tov meal:[1] When Yom Tov falls on Erev Shabbos one is to start […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The number of months to say Kaddish for a child who passed away r”l
Question: [Sunday, 30th Iyar, 5783] My four-year-old child recently passed away r”l from a prolonged medical condition. I am hearing conflicting things from different Rabbis who came to me during Shiva regarding how long the Kaddish is to be recited for. Some told me not to say Kaddish at all, […]