Cleaning, shining, and polishing shoes on Shabbos:[1] A. Background of prohibitions: The act of cleaning, shining, or polishing shoes on Shabbos may touch upon one of several prohibitions: The tanning prohibition by leather shoes:[2] It is Biblically forbidden to tan new leather on Shabbos.[3] Softening the new leather and oiling […]
The definition of a Tinok Shenishba and the status of today’s non-religious Jews
The definition of a Tinok Shenishba and the status of today’s non-religious Jews:[1] The concept of a Tinok Shenishba is recorded in the Talmud[2] and Rishonim[3], and is defined as a person who is an Apikores in his belief system or a Mumar in his Torah observance, but does not […]
Laws of Kibud Av Vaeim relevant to children who were adopted
Laws of Kibud Av Vaeim relevant to children who were adopted:[1] A. Is an adopted child obligated in the laws of Kibud Av Vaeim towards his adoptive parents?[2] A child who was adopted is not obligated in the scriptural Mitzvah of honoring and fearing his adoptive father and mother.[3] Nonetheless, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Cosmetic & Makeup Tattoos-Permanent makeup
Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Donate Question: [Monday, 9th Sivan 5783] I would like to know if there’s any issue with getting a cosmetic or […]
Tattoos in Halacha-Everything you need to know
Making a Tattoo:[1] The verse[2] states “And the writing of a tattoo you shall not place on yourselves.” From here it is learned that it is Biblically forbidden to make a Tattoo on one’s skin.[3] One who does so transgresses the above negative command, and according to some Poskim[4], also […]
How to wear the Tallis Katan-Tzitzis sticking out [Ashkenazim/Chabad] versus tucked in [Sephardim] versus over one’s shirt [Chassidim]
How to wear the Tallis Katan-Tzitzis sticking out of one’s pants versus tucked in versus over one’s shirt:[1] A. The various customs: Regarding how the Tallis Katan is to be worn we find three distinct customs amongst the Jewish people. Chassidic-Over the shirt but under coat: Some are accustomed to […]
Tasting the Shabbos foods on Erev Shabbos
Tasting the Shabbos foods on Erev Shabbos: A. The law:[1] One is to taste the Shabbos foods on Erev Shabbos. Which foods:[2] It is proper to taste each and every dish of food. B. The reasons behind the custom: Check if needs spices or other additions:[3] The simple reason for […]
Fact or myth-Pouring liquids backwards
Fact or myth-Pouring liquids backwards:[1] A. The custom: Many of the populace are accustomed to not pour liquids backwards. Below we will discuss the details of this tradition, its sources, reasons, Halachic pushback’s, and whether its practice is to be encouraged or discouraged from being followed. B. Does it have […]
Is Tachanun recited if there is a Chasan in Shul who is getting married that day
Is Tachanun recited if there is a Chasan in Shul who is getting married that day?[1] It is customary not to recite Tachanun in the presence of a Chasan[2] on the day that he enters the Chuppah.[3] Tachanun is omitted for the entire day, during all that day’s prayers [Shacharis […]
Kibud Av Vaeim-Communication and visitations-Staying in touch with one’s parents
Communication and visitations-Staying in touch with one’s parents:[1] A. Living near one’s parents:[2] It is proper for one to live near his parents in order so one can properly honor them and help them with their needs. This especially applies once parents are old. Nonetheless, this is not necessarily an […]