Daled Minim

  Checklist of what to look for when purchasing Daled Minim: The following is a list of matters one is to look for to purchase a Kosher and Mehudar set of Daled Minim.   Esrog: It is a Calabria Esrog from Italy [not Kfar Chabad]. Verify there are no missing […]

Building the Sukkah

  Building the Sukkah   1. The reason behind dwelling in a Sukkah:[1] The reason G-d commanded us to sit in a Sukkah for shade is so we recall the miracles and wonders done for us in the desert, in which the clouds of glory[2] surrounded us for shade, as […]

Walking before washing

  The stringencies of the Zohar-Not to touch walk 4 cubits:[1] According to the Talmud and Codifiers one may walk[2] prior to washing.[3] The only restriction according to the Talmud is not to touch food and drink [or orifices of the body]. The Zohar[4] however is very stringent in these matters stating that […]