Bayis Malei Sefarim

Bayis Malei Sefarim-Purchasing Torah literature:[1] It is a Mitzvah [and obligation[2]] to publish [and purchase[3]] Chumashim, Mishnah, Gemara and their commentaries.[4] Some Poskim[5] rule that today this Mitzvah is a positive Biblical command, and is in place of the Mitzvah of writing a Sefer Torah.[6] [The purpose of this Mitzvah […]

Moving the Menorah

Moving a Menorah May one move the Menorah after it is lit? What if the Menorah is blocking the doorway, or one fears from the children? The Sages decreed against moving the Menorah while its Mitzvah is fulfilled. The following are the cases in which this decree applies. Moving the […]

Hadasim Meshulashim

  Meshulash/Three Leaved:[1] The Torah states that the Hadas must be braided. This means that there are three leaves that extend from each area of the branch and that these three leaves are symmetric to each other that they extend from the same horizontal line. If two leaves are symmetric […]

Daled Minim

  Checklist of what to look for when purchasing Daled Minim: The following is a list of matters one is to look for to purchase a Kosher and Mehudar set of Daled Minim.   Esrog: It is a Calabria Esrog from Italy [not Kfar Chabad]. Verify there are no missing […]

Building the Sukkah

  Building the Sukkah   1. The reason behind dwelling in a Sukkah:[1] The reason G-d commanded us to sit in a Sukkah for shade is so we recall the miracles and wonders done for us in the desert, in which the clouds of glory[2] surrounded us for shade, as […]