Kashering a Microwave for meat/dairy/Pesach:[1] Does it need to be Kashered? Some Rabbanim[2] say that a microwave does not need to be Kashered at all prior to use for meat/milk/Pesach, and simply needs to be wiped clean.[3] Accordingly, it may be used intermittently for meat and then dairy and […]
Inedible Chametz products such as Shampoo, soap, perfume
Must inedible products [i.e. Shampoo, soap, perfume etc.] be Kosher for Pesach? Owning: All Chametz that has become inedible even for dogs before the 6th hour of Erev Pesach is permitted for one to own and benefit from on Pesach, although it is Rabbinically forbidden to eat it intentionally.[1] […]
The Kitniyos Prohibition – Part 1
Kitniyos:[1] The Halacha: The letter of the law:[2] Only the five grains; which are 1) wheat, 2) barley; 3) rye, 4) spelt, 5) oats, can leaven and become Chametz. All other grains/flours, such as flour made from rice or millet and all other legumes [and starches], cannot ever leaven and […]
Bedika to sold areas and should one sell his Chametz on the 13th
Does one have to do Bedikas Chametz to areas of Chametz that will be sold to the gentile?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule one is required to perform a Bedika to all areas on the night of the 14th, even if one plans to sell that area to the gentile on […]
The Chumra of Gebrochts
Matzah Shruyah/Gebrochts:[1] What is it? Matzah that has come to contact with water either by cooking with water or dipping in water. The Law: The Chassidic custom is not to eat any Matzah dipped in water due to a suspicion that part of the flour may not have been […]
May one eat Garlic on Pesach?
Garlic:[1] Garlic is not Chametz, or Kitniyus, and is thus permitted to be eaten over Pesach.[2] Nevertheless, there are those who are accustomed not to eat garlic on Pesach.[3] Those families who are accustomed to follow this custom are not to swerve from it.[4] However, those families who did […]
Birchas Ilanos-Must one say the blessing the first opportunity he sees the blossoming fruit tree?
Birchas Ilanos/Blessing over the blossoming of fruit:[1] [One who walks around outside] in the month of Nissan, and sees trees which are sprouting forth blossom, needs to say the blessing of “Shelo Chiser Beolamo Klum[2] Uvara Bo Brios Tovos Veilanos Tovos Leihanos Bahem Binei Adam.” This blessing is only […]
Egg Matzah-Matzah Ashira
A. Understanding the liquids that turn flour into Chametz: Water and water derivatives:[1] The Biblical definition of Chameitz refers only to dough that has been kneaded with water or with water derivatives. Only water or water derivatives can leaven the grain or flour. Fruit juice-Does fruit juice turn flour […]
Chametz found in unreachable areas
Unreachable Chametz-Chametz that is in cracks and crevices of tiles and furniture: Letter of law:[1] If one cannot remove the Chametz with his hands due to it being stuck under cracks and crevices and the like then it suffices for him to nullify the Chametz before the 6th hour […]
Thirty day before Pesach Reminders
Thirty day before Pesach Reminders Avoiding sticky Chametz starting from thirty days before Pesach:[1] From thirty days before Pesach it is proper to be careful to avoid getting Chametz stuck onto surfaces, in a way that the Chametz will not be easily removable when Erev Pesach arrives. Giving children play […]