Is it permitted to cause pain or kill living creatures?[1] It is Biblically forbidden to actively[2] cause pain to any[3] living creature [for no justifiable reason, as will be explained].[4] [It goes without saying that one may not kill a creature for no justifiable reason.[5]] If the creature is […]
Eating and drinking before visiting a gravesite
Eating and drinking prior to the visit:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule one is not to eat or drink anything prior to visiting the gravesite of a Tzadik or of a relative. [Thus, starting from Alos of that day, until after the visitation, one is to fast.] Others[3] rule one is […]
Drinking coffee brewed by a gentile such as coffee offered on a plane
May one drink coffee brewed by a gentile in a Kosher vessel with Kosher ingredients? Is coffee considered Bishul Akum?[1] Kashrus of the coffee powder, and pot: Drinking coffee made by a gentile poses several Kashrus concerns such as a) Is the coffee powder Kosher? b) Was non-Kosher milk added […]
Standing for Kaddish
Standing for Kaddish and Barchu:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule it is not necessary [for the listeners] to stand during the recital of Kaddish and Barchu. Other Poskim[3] rule one is required to stand upon answering Kaddish or any Davar Shebekedusha [i.e. a matter that requires a Minyan].[4] Practically, it is proper […]
Yichud in an elevator
Is Yichud permitted in an elevator?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule the prohibition of Yichud applies in an elevator, and it is therefore forbidden to be alone in an elevator with a woman even for a very short amount of time.[3] Majority of Poskim[4] however rule the prohibition of Yichud does not apply to elevators.[5] […]
May one say the names of saints of idolatry, such as Paul/Peter/Patrick/Francis?
May one say the names of saints of idolatry, such as Paul/Peter/Patrick/Francis? From the letter of the law, one may say their names without mentioning their status of sainthood.[1] Thus, while one may say Paul/Patrick in reference to the apostles, one may not say a preface to his name which […]
Saying the name of Yoshkeh
May one say the name Jesus or Yeshu? From the letter of the law, it is permitted to recite the name Jesus or Yeshu.[1] It is likewise permitted to write these names, as we find Gedolei Yisrael who wrote these names in their Sefarim.[2] Nevertheless, despite the letter of the […]
Mentioning the name of idols and foreign deities
Not to mention the name of idols and foreign deities: Giving it a derogatory name:[1] One is required to help eradicate idolatry and give idols and foreign deities a derogatory name. Swearing using its name:[2] One who swears in the name of an idol or foreign deity [transgresses a negative […]
Aliya Laregel-Visiting the Temple on a festival
Aliya Laregel-Visiting the Temple on a festival: The Mitzvah in Temple times:[1] In Temple times, it was a Biblical command for every man to visit the Temple on Yom Tov of the Shalosh Regalim, and bring with them a Karban Olah. This Mitzvah was formally known as the Mitzvah of […]
Lighting a Yartzite or Yizkor candle for Yom Tov
Today’s daily Halacha [4th of Sivan] is dedicated by the Dudovitz family in memory of Shaindel Sara Bas Yosef Hersh Halevi in memory of her Yartzite ת.נ.צ.ב.ה. Yartzite/Yizkar candle: It is customary to have a candle lit on the occasion of a Yartzite of a parent.[1] Likewise, many are […]