May one visit the Temple Mount?[1] The Temple area contains Kedusha even today in its state of destruction. Accordingly, just as in Temple times there existed restricted areas of entry, so too in today’s times, there are certain areas in which it is forbidden for a Jew to enter. Some […]
Visiting the Temple Mount-Part 1-The Practical ruling of Gedolei Yisrael
The practical ruling of Gedolei Yisrael:[1] In both the previous and current generation, the Poskim and Gedolei Yisrael[2] from all spectrums of Jewry, have severely warned the public not to enter the Temple Mount, including even the permitted unrestricted areas, lest he enter a restricted area and be liable for […]
The order in removing the Tefillin
The order in removing the Tefillin: Which is removed first-Shel Yad or Shel Rosh?[1] When one removes the Tefillin, the head Tefillin must be removed prior to the hand Tefillin.[2] Removing the straps of the Shel Yad:[3] Some[4] are accustomed for reasons known to them to remove the head Tefillin […]
Teaching one’s son the verses of Torah Tziva and Shema Yisrael
Teaching one’s son verses of Torah:[1] Although a child is exempt from all the Mitzvos, and even the father is not Biblically obligated to educate him in Mitzvos, but rather only Rabbinically, nevertheless, teaching Torah is a Biblical positive command. The father is commanded to teach his small son Torah, […]
Washing for less than a Kebeitza of bread
Washing and Al Netilas Yadayim on less than a Kebeitza of bread:[1] If one will not be consuming a shiur Kibeitza without its shell[2] [53.8 grams[3]] of bread within two times Kdei Acilas Peras [i.e. within 8 minutes[4]], each Kezayis within Kdei Achilas Peras[5] [i.e. 4 minutes[6]], then one is […]
Mourning customs applicable on Motzei Tisha B’av-Tenth of Av
Mourning customs applicable on Motzei Tisha B’av-Tenth of Av:[1] The Heichal [Kodesh and Kodesh Hakedoshim] was set afire on the 9th towards evening, and it burnt until sunset of the 10th.[2] It is therefore customary to avoid eating meat and drinking wine [as well as to guard all the mourning […]
The Erev Tishe Beav meals and menus
Eating a large meal prior to Mincha and the Seudas Hamafsekes:[1] It is an accustomed Ashkenazi practice to eat a set meal on Erev Tishe Beav, prior to Davening Mincha.[2] After the meal, one Davens Mincha and then eats the Seudas Hamafsekes.[3] [Some Poskim[4] rule this meal is to be […]
Cutting nails during the nine days
Cutting nails:[1] One may not cut nails during the week of Tishe Beav. One may cut nails during the three weeks, up until the week of Tishe Beav. Erev Shabbos:[2] If Tishe Beav falls on Shabbos one may cut his nails in honor of Shabbos. [However some Poskim[3] […]
Circumventing the need to Toivel-Giving the vessel to a gentile and then borrowing it back
Circumventing the need to Tovel-Giving the vessel to a gentile and then borrowing it back: Vessels that are borrowed or rented from a gentile do not require immersion.[1] Accordingly, in a case that one is unable to immerse a vessel in a Mikveh, such as on Shabbos or in an […]
Laundering clothing during the nine days
Laundering clothing:[1] A. The prohibition:[2] It is forbidden to wash or launder clothing during the nine days.[3] One plans to wear it after Tishe Beav:[4] It is forbidden to launder clothing even if one only plans on wearing it after Tisha B’av. This applies to all material clothing, even linen.[5] […]