Preparing on the 1st day of Yom Tov on behalf of the 2nd day of Yom Tov or Shabbos: Preparing on 1st day on behalf of 2nd day in Chutz Laaretz:[1] It is forbidden to do anything on the 1st day of Yom Tov on behalf of the next day, […]
Hataras Nedarim on Erev Rosh Hashana-Q&A
Hataras Nedarim: *For a full digest on the laws and customs of Hataras Nedarim both on Erev Rosh Hashanah and throughout the year, please refer to the “Supplement on Hataras Nedarim” provided in the back of the Sefer. It is customary to perform Hataras Nedarim on Erev Rosh Hashanah.[1] This […]
Sitting for an After Blessing
Sitting during the recital of an after blessing: The general rule Birchas Hamazon:[1] One is required to sit while reciting Birchas Hamazon.[2] He may not stand or lay down.[3] This applies irrelevant of the position in which one ate, whether he was walking in his home when he ate or […]
How much money is the Kesuba worth?
How much money is the Kesuba worth? Introduction: A Kesuba is similar to a loan document or check, which obligates the husband, or his estate, to pay a certain sum of money to his wife. The Kesuba can only be actualized in the event of death of the husband or […]
What is one to do with a found object if the owner cannot be located?
What is one to do if he found a lost object that must be returned, and the owner cannot be located?[1] The general law: Any item that must be returned to its owner [as explained in the laws of Hashavas Aveida], and the owner cannot be traced, is required to […]
Must Twizzlers and other candies be Bishul Yisrael?
Must Twizzlers and other candies be Bishul Yisrael? The recipe: The Twizzler candy produced by Hershey corporation contains as main ingredients: Corn syrup, wheat flour [25%], sugar, and cornstarch. These ingredients are cooked together for several hours and then cooled to form the Twizzler candy. The general law: All foods […]
What is the correct blessing to say over Twizzlers
Blessing on Twizzlers: The ingredients of Twizzlers: The Twizzler candy produced by Hershey corporation contains as main ingredients: Corn syrup, wheat flour, sugar, and cornstarch. As per the information received from the OU, who supervises the Kashrus of the product, the Twizzler contains 25% wheat flour. The general law by […]
How many people must eat to make a Zimun of ten with Elokeinu
How many people must eat to make a Zimun of ten with Elokeinu?[1] In order to be obligated/allowed to make a Zimun of ten people with the saying of Elokeinu, one needs to have at least seven people who have eaten [a Kezayis of] bread, and another three people who […]
Blessing one’s children on Friday night
Blessing children on Friday night: It is an old age custom for parents and Rabbis to bless their children and students with Birchas Kohanim on Friday night.[1] Doing so does not transgress the prohibition[2] against a non-Kohen reciting Birchas Kohanim[3], although it is forbidden for the person to raise his […]
Must a Kallah cover her hair during the Chuppah/wedding
Must a Kallah cover her hair during the Chuppah/wedding:[1] The opinions: A woman is required to cover her hair from the time she is married and onwards.[2] It is debated amongst Poskim as to the exact definition of marriage in this regard; Does it refer to the Kiddushin, Chuppah, the […]