Sleeping in the Sukkah:[1] The obligation-Letter of the law: Part of the Mitzvah and [Biblical] obligation of dwelling in a Sukkah, is to sleep in the Sukkah throughout all seven days of Sukkos, both by day and night, just as one does in his home throughout the year.[2] It is […]
Entering pots into a Sukkah
Entering pots into a Sukkah:[1] [It is permitted to enter pots and pans of food into a Sukkah.[2]] Nonetheless, once the meal has been completed, one is to remove the pots, pans, and plates from the Sukkah, being that after their use they are considered repulsive [and it is belittling […]
May women and children help build a Sukkah
May women or children help build the Sukkah?[1] The building of a Sukkah is a fun activity, and great Mitzvah that many enjoy doing each year. Nonetheless, just as there are various laws associated with the validity of a Sukkah, so too regarding its construction. Only men are obligated in […]
A split Tiyomes-The law if the top middle leaf of a Lulav is split
The law of a split Tiyomes/Center leaf of the Lulav:[1] What is the Tiyomes? In Halacha, special attention is given to the Tiyomus of the Lulav, and the criteria it must fulfill for the Lulav to be Kosher.[2] The term Tiyomes comes from the word “twins”, and refers to the […]
Taking medicine on Yom Kippur
May one take medicine on Yom Kippur?[1] One who is currently sick: If one is bedridden, or feels ill/weak in his entire body, then he may swallow a tasteless or bitter pill [without water, as will be explained].[2] If the pill has a non-bitter taste, then he is to wrap […]
Washing hands after using the bathroom on Yom Kippur:
Washing hands after using the bathroom on Yom Kippur:[1] During non-prayer times:[2] If one urinated and used his hands to wipe away the drops of urine from his feet, or if he defecated and used his hands to clean the excrement, then he may wash his hands up until his […]
Are women obligated in shaking Lulav?
Are women obligated in shaking Lulav? Women are exempt from the Mitzvah of shaking Lulav.[1] Nevertheless, if they desire to shake Lulav, they may do so.[2] Practically, women have accepted upon themselves the Mitzvah shaking of Lulav as an obligation.[3] [Accordingly, women are to be particular to shake Lulav each […]
Leaving a light on in the marital bedroom on Yom Kippur
Leaving a light on in the bed room of married couples:[1] If a couple is leaving a light on in their house [on the night of Yom Kippur], then they are required to also leave a light on in their bedroom.[2] This applies both in areas that are accustomed to […]
One who forgot to say Hamelech Hamishpat
One who forgot to say Hamelech Hamishpat:[1] In Shemoneh Esrei of Aseres Yimei Teshuvah the tenth blessing of Hashiva Shofteinu concludes with the words “Hamelech Hamishpat” in place of “Melech Ohave Tzedaka Umishpat”.[2] [This emphasizes that Hashem is the King that is currently in judgment at this time.[3]] If one […]
Speaking in-between blows of Shacharis and Musaf
Not to talk of irrelevant matters until after Musaf:[1] One must beware not to talk of irrelevant matters between the Tekios Meyushav [which is the first set of blows that is sounded after Kerias Hatorah] and the Tekios Meumad [which is the second set of blows in Musaf].[2] One […]