With which foot is one to take three steps back after Shemoneh Esrei?[1] When one takes three steps back after Shemoneh Esrei, he is to begin with his left foot.[2] A lefty:[3] One who his is left footed[4] is to begin with his right foot when he takes three steps […]
May one eat or drink after candle lighting?
May one eat or drink after candle lighting? Some Poskim[1] rule it is permitted to eat or drink after candle lighting until Tzeis Hakochavim. Other Poskim[2] rule it is forbidden to eat or drink anything after candle lighting. Nonetheless, if one is very thirsty, and is afraid to delay lighting […]
May a man listen to the recording of a woman singing, such as on a music player or radio?
May a man listen to the recording of a woman singing, such as on a music player or radio?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule it is permitted to hear a woman sing through a radio or recording if he does not know what she looks like.[3] Other Poskim[4] rule it is permitted […]
Understanding the words of Birchas Hamazon & the preferred language it is be said in
Understanding the words of Birchas Hamazon & the preferred language it is be said in:[1] Birchas Hamazon may be recited in any language [that he understands, as will be explained].[2] However, if one does not know the meaning of the words that he is saying in Birchas Hamazon, such as […]
Must a divorcee, or widow cover her hair?
Must a divorcee, or widow cover her hair? It is forbidden for a woman who was once married, such as a widow or divorcee, to walk in public with uncovered hair, just as is the law regarding a married woman.[1] [Some Poskim[2] rule that this obligation for a widow or […]
Using Maaser money to pay tuition of Torah education
Using Maaser money to pay tuition for school/Yeshiva/seminary or another Torah education:[1] The letter of the law:[2] If one cannot afford[3] to pay the tuition for Torah education from non-Maaser or non-Chomesh funds, it is permitted for him to use his Maaser or Chomesh money [which he separated], for the […]
Davening Mincha after sunset
Davening Mincha past sunset:[1] The prayer of Mincha may be recited until evening.[2] It is disputed amongst Poskim as to the definition of “evening.” Some Poskim[3] rule it is permitted [even initially[4]] to Daven Mincha past sunset, up until Tzeis Hakochavim.[5] Other Poskim[6] rule one may not Daven Mincha past […]
May a Gentile and one in process of conversion keep Shabbos
May a gentile keep Shabbos?[1] It is forbidden for a gentile to keep Shabbos. It is forbidden for him to keep Shabbos even on a weekday. A gentile who keeps Shabbos is liable. May a gentile who is in the process of conversion keep Shabbos? A gentile who is in […]
Borrowing a Sefer from a Shul
Borrowing a Shul’s Sefer:[1] An old edict that was founded in ancient congregations is that one may not remove a Tallis or Sefer from the Shul without asking permission from the owners. [This applies even if one can assume that the owner is not particular, nevertheless one must ask permission. […]
Stepping on egg shells
Stepping on egg shells: Many are accustomed to abstain from stepping on egg shells due to danger.[1] Accordingly, egg shells are not to be thrown in areas that people walk. There is a story dating back to the Rebbe Maharash regarding this matter.[2] _________________________________________________________________ [1] There is no known source […]