Davening Mincha after sunset

Davening Mincha past sunset:[1] The prayer of Mincha may be recited until evening.[2] It is disputed amongst Poskim as to the definition of “evening.” Some Poskim[3] rule it is permitted [even initially[4]] to Daven Mincha past sunset, up until Tzeis Hakochavim.[5] Other Poskim[6] rule one may not Daven Mincha past […]

Borrowing a Sefer from a Shul

Borrowing a Shul’s Sefer:[1] An old edict that was founded in ancient congregations is that one may not remove a Tallis or Sefer from the Shul without asking permission from the owners. [This applies even if one can assume that the owner is not particular, nevertheless one must ask permission. […]

Stepping on egg shells

Stepping on egg shells: Many are accustomed to abstain from stepping on egg shells due to danger.[1] Accordingly, egg shells are not to be thrown in areas that people walk. There is a story dating back to the Rebbe Maharash regarding this matter.[2] _________________________________________________________________ [1] There is no known source […]