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Making a form of the human body in drawing or sculpture-Part 1
Making a form of the human body in drawing or sculpture:[1] It is forbidden to form a sculpture of the human body.[2] It is forbidden to make it even for purposes of mere beauty and decoration.[3] The prohibited form-Sculpture and protruding engraving versus drawing and internal engraving of above items:[4] […]
Yawning, burping and sneezing during Davening
Yawning and burping during Davening:[1] One may not burp[2] or yawn[3] during Shemoneh Esrei. If one willingly burps or yawns during Shemoneh Esrei he is from amongst the haughty individuals.[4] If one gets the urge to yawn [and is unable to control it[5]], then he is to place his hand […]
Must non-Mezonos cereals, such as cornflakes, be Bishul Yisrael and what is the status of Kellogs
Must non-Mezonos cereals, such as cornflakes, be Bishul Yisrael and what is the status of Kellogs? The general law: All foods that are cooked are subject to the laws of Bishul Akum, with exception to Mezonos products that are baked, which are subject to the laws of Pas Akum.[1] The […]
Must one cover the Tefillin Shel Yad with one’s sleeve
Covering the Tefillin Shel Yad:[1] There is no need to be particular to cover the Tefillin Shel Yad [i.e. hand Tefillin], such as with one’s sleeve, and one can choose to wear it either revealed [with his sleeves rolled up on top of the Shel Yad] or concealed [under a […]
What is the law if a Tzitzis string tore within the braid [i.e. Gdil], or beneath the braid [Gdil] by the hole?
What is the law if a Tzitzis string tore within the braid [i.e. Gdil], or beneath the braid [Gdil] by the hole?[1] If even one string tore from its root, it is invalid.[2] This means that if even one string tore near the hole, within the area that precedes the […]
Staring at another person-The prohibition and potential damage
May one stare at his friend?[1] It is forbidden to look into another person’s property [even if they are not present there] if there is possibility that the evil eye can damage their property. Thus, for example, one may stand over the field of his friend to stare at it […]
May women wear pants?
May women wear pants?[1] It is forbidden for women to wear pants. This applies even towards women pants that are made specifically for women and are not worn by men.[2] In the latter case it is disputed as to whether this prohibition is due to Lo Silbash or only due […]
Until what age may girls be present in the men’s side of the shul?
Until what age may girls be present in the men’s side of the shul? Some[1] write that one is to abstain girls from being present in the men’s section beginning from age three and onwards, even if they are dressed modestly. The Rebbe however writes that the prevalent custom [Maaseh […]
May one pay for an Aliyah, or other Kibud, using Maaser money?
May one pay for an Aliyah, or other Kibud, using Maaser money:[1] It is permitted to use Maaser money to pay for a Kibbud [i.e. Aliya, Pesicha, Hagba, etc] that was purchased in Shul, if one had intent to do so upon purchasing it.[2] If, however one did not have […]