Nittel Nacht A. What is Nittel? Nittel is a gentile Holiday celebrating the birth of Yoshke. On this day there is an extra abundance of impurity and a stronghold of Kelipa. For this reason, the Jews throughout the generations took various customs upon themselves which are followed until this day, […]
Wearing gloves during Davening
Wearing gloves during Davening:[1] One may not wear gloves while Davening [Shemoneh Esrei], as is done by travelers.[2] [If however, one is cold some Poskim[3] rule he may wear gloves to protect him from the cold. Other Poskim[4] however rule it is forbidden to wear gloves even in such a […]
Saying “Avraham Zakein” after Hallel on Rosh Chodesh
Saying “Avraham Zakein” after Hallel:[1] Some[2] are accustomed to recite on Rosh Chodesh, after Hallel, the verse beginning “Veavraham Zakein” and “Zevadya[3] Yishmereini”.[4] [Practically, so is the Chabad custom.[5]] All this [Avraham Zakein and Zevadya Yishmereini] is recited a total of three times. [One is to say Avraham Zakein and […]
Forgot to say Ya’aleh Veyavo by Shacharis and remembered after Musaf
Forgot to say Ya’aleh Veyavo by Shacharis and remembered after Musaf: If one forgot to say Ya’aleh Veyavo by Shacharis, then he must repeat Shemoneh Esrei.[1] However, this only applies if one remembered prior to Davening Musaf. If, however, one already Davened Musaf and only then realized he had forgotten […]
Using real and edible olive oil versus fake or inedible olive oil for the Chanukah lighting
What olive oil should be used for the Chanukah lighting?[1] [From the letter of the law] all oils may be used for the Chanukah candles.[2] This applies even if the flame does not light well with the oil.[3] Nevertheless, it is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar to use olive oil.[4] If […]
Lighting Chanukah candles on Erev Shabbos
Lighting on Erev Shabbos:[1] When are the Chanukah candles lit? On Erev Shabbos, the Chanukah candles are lit prior to the Shabbos candles.[2] The candles are lit with a blessing even though they are being lit while still day.[3] [The earliest time one can begin to light the Chanukah […]
When may one extinguish the Chanukah candles?
When may one extinguish the Chanukah candles? Leaving home shortly after candle lighting, afraid that the unsupervised candles can lead G-d forbid to a fire? Many ask due to these reasons if they may extinguish the Chanukah candles after it has been lit for some time. This question is especially […]
Where in the home is one to light the Chanukah candles-By a window or by the doorpost?
Those who light inside their home-Should they light by the doorpost of one of the rooms or by the window?[1] A. The law of placing by the doorpost when lighting outside the home: Within a Tefach:[2] It is a Mitzvah for the candles to be placed within at least one […]
Kissing a child, relative, or friend in a Shul
Kissing in a Shul:[1] One is not to kiss his small children in Shul.[2] [This implies that it is however permitted to kiss older children, and other people, in Shul.[3] However, some Poskim[4] rule that in truth this applies to children of any age, and not specifically small children. Furthermore, […]
Using a Menorah for Chanukah candles-The Obligation; Material & shape
Must one use a Menorah, or can he simply stick candles on a table?[1] One fulfills his obligation even if he does not light the candles on a Menorah, but simply sticks a candle on the table.[2] However, some Poskim[3] rule that a Menorah is needed, and one does not […]