Which blessing is said first-Shehechiyanu or the blessing over the fruit?[1] One who eats a new fruit which requires the recital of Shehechiyanu, is to first say the blessing of Shehechiyanu and only afterwards recite the blessing of Haeitz or Hadama.[2] [However, if one forgot and first said the blessing […]
The Mitzvah of a Chasan to rejoice with the Kallah after the wedding
Simcha-Rejoicing the Kallah:[1] A. The obligation of Simcha: The laws of Simcha refer to the obligation of the Chasan to rejoice his wife after the marriage takes place. This Mitzvah of rejoicing one’s wife includes spending time with her in festive meals, and not doing Melacha or going to one’s […]
Must one immerse electric appliances?
Must one immerse electric appliances?[1] Electrical appliances which are used to cook food, and come in direct contact with food, are obligated in immersion in a Mikveh with a blessing. This includes toasters[2], sandwich makers, water urns and the like. How to immerse and avoid damage: One is to immerse […]
Using someone’s Sefarim without permission
Using someone’s Sefarim without permission:[1] It is forbidden for one to learn from Sefarim that belong to one’s friend without his permission.[2] This applies even if one only plans to learn from it on a mere occasion.[3] This applies even if one is certain that no damage will occur to […]
Visiting grave after seven years of absence
Visiting grave after seven years of absence:[1] Some are accustomed that if one did not visit the grave of a parent within seven years then he may not do so any longer.[2] Others[3] are only careful after ten years of absence. Some Poskim[4] argue that one may visit a parent’s […]
Who is obligated to place the Mezuzah in a rental home
Renting a home-Who is obligated to place the Mezuzah?[1] One who rents a home from his friend, the renter is the one who is obligated to place the Mezuzahs by the doors, and to mend the area for the Mezuzah to be placed.[2] One rented the home on condition that […]
Placing the Tefillin by the hairline-Part 1
Placing the Tefillin by the hairline:[1] The entire Tefillin must rest in the area where hair grows.[2] This means that [even] the bottom end of the Titura must rest on the area where the hair first begins to grow on the forehead.[3] [One who is not careful in this matter […]
May a gentile castrate an animal or human?
Is a gentile prohibited from castrating a human/animal as part of the Nohadite laws? This matter is disputed in the Talmud[1] and Poskim. Some Poskim[2] rule that gentiles are not prohibited against castrating. Other Poskim[3] rule that gentiles are prohibited against castrating. Practically, one is to be stringent like the […]
Making a Hefsek during Davening for the sake of a Mitzvah
Making a Hefsek during Davening for the sake of a Mitzvah: Hefsek for the sake of a Mitzvah:[1] It is forbidden to make an interval between Baruch Sheamar [and Yishtabach, and between Birchas Shema] and Shemoneh Esrei even for the sake of a Mitzvah [with exception to those cases […]
Bringing small children to Shul
Bringing small children to Shul: [It is a Mitzvah and obligation upon a parent to educate his child to go to Shul and participate in a Minyan, once they have reached the age of Chinuch.[1]] One is to teach his young[2] children and educate them to answer Amen. From the […]