What is one to do if he heard Kaddish in middle of Shemoneh Esrei:[1] It is forbidden to answer even Kaddish in the midst of Shemoneh Esrei.[2] Rather, one is to [stop reciting Shemoneh Esrei and] remain silent [and listen] and concentrate to the words of the Chazan.[3] Doing so […]
Pregnant wife of Kohen entering cemetery
The wife of a Kohen: It is permitted for the pregnant wife of a Kohen to enter a cemetery.[1] Nonetheless, some Poskim[2] rule it is proper to be stringent not to do so [even on a Yartzite or by Kivrei Tzaddikim]. This especially applies if she knows that the gender […]
Pregnant women entering cemetery-Part 1
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com May a pregnant woman visit a cemetery?[1] From the letter of the law, it is permitted for a pregnant woman to enter a cemetery.[2] However, many women are accustomed not to visit a cemetery when they are pregnant.[3] Those […]
Counting the days and the weeks by Sefiras Haomer
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com Counting the days and the weeks?[1] The Law: One is Biblically obligated to count both the days and the weeks.[2] At the end of each week:[3] According to all opinions, one is Biblically required to count both the days […]
Concluding with Ufros Sukas Shalom on Maariv of Friday night or Yom Tov
Concluding with “Ufros Sukas Shalom” on Maariv of Friday night or Yom Tov?[1] In the blessing of Hashkiveinu [said during Maariv of Friday night and Yom Tov[2]] one is not to conclude with the regular Nusach of “Shomer Amo Yisrael La’ad,” but rather with “Haporeis Sukkas Shalom Aleinu Veal Kol […]
How to educate children against predators and molestation-Part 2
Matters to beware and educate children in: Various organizations have blossomed over the recent years who specialize in child education and awareness in the above matter. The following is some of the suggestive actions and guidelines which have been acclimated from leading child psychologists and educational experts. For further information, […]
Educating one’s children against predators, pedophiles, and molesters-Part 1
Educating one’s children against predators, pedophiles, and molesters: Unfortunately, a known and growing epidemic, which has seen greater light in the recent years, is the plague of pedophilia, of which almost no Jewish community has come unscathed. One of the basic principles of Torah Judaism is Kedusha, keeping a holy […]
Standing for the elderly-Who
Standing for an old person:[1] It is a Mitzvah [a possible Biblical obligation[2]] to stand in front of the elderly.[3] The age defined as elderly:[4] An elderly person is defined, in this regard, as a person who has reached 70 years of age. [According to the Arizal and Kabala, one […]
Blowing bubbles on Shabbos
May one blow bubbles on Shabbos?[1] Blowing bubbles on Shabbos enters into the question of whether it transgresses the Molid prohibition due to it changing the form of the water into foam. Practically, the mainstream approach follows that it does not contain a Molid prohibition, and therefore children may blow […]
How to count Jews in a permitted way-Part 2
Counting Jews Part 2:[1] As explained in Part 1, it is forbidden to count Jews even for the sake of a Mitzvah, even if it is not for a census taking purpose. The following will now discuss ways of circumventing this prohibition: How to count in a permitted way:[2] [The […]