Paying owed bus fares: It is forbidden to enter a person’s property without their permission.[1] This applies whether the property is owned by a Jew or a gentile.[2] It goes without saying that one may not make use of facilities within another’s property without their permission.[3] [Accordingly, it is forbidden […]
Are women to perform Mayim Achronim?
Are women to perform Mayim Achronim? Letter of law: The Sages instituted the washing of hands at the end of a meal of bread in order so one recites Birchas Hamazon in purity and cleanses his hands from the leftover food.[1] There is no difference mentioned in Halacha between men […]
What is one to do if he began chewing on a food and then remembered that he did not say a blessing?
What is one to do if he began chewing on a food, or drinking a liquid, and then remembered that he did not say a blessing? Foods:[1] It is forbidden to say a blessing while eating food.[2] Accordingly, one who forgot and entered food into his mouth without saying a […]
Hasagas Gvul in Torah education and occupations-Can an infringement claim be brought against a new Torah class, new Yeshiva, new Rabbi in town, and new Chabad house?
Hasagas Gvul in Torah education and occupations-Can an infringement claim be brought against a new Torah class, new Yeshiva, new Rabbi in town, and new Chabad house? Background: Secular law in most of the modern world follows the economic philosophy of capitalism, and allows free unrestrained opening of businesses and […]
Shemiras Eiynayim-Part 1-The Prohibition, Severity, Reward
Shemiras Eiynayim: The prohibition: The prohibition: It is forbidden to stare at the beauty of an Erva [which includes all girls who have reached the age of menstruation[1]].[2] One who stares at even the small finger of a woman with intent to benefit from it, is considered to have stared […]
Stopping in the middle of a Pasuk
Stopping in the middle of a Pasuk:[1] All the verses [written in the five books of Moshe] are a Halacha [i.e. tradition] from Moshe from Sinai as to where they begin and end, and it is forbidden to stop in an area that Moshe did not make a stop in […]
Saying a blessing or Davening with food, or other item, in one’s mouth
Saying a blessing or Davening with food, or other item, in one’s mouth:[1] It is forbidden to say a blessing [or Daven[2]] while eating food.[3] [Accordingly, one who is chewing gum or sucking on a candy, must remove the gum or candy from his mouth prior to reciting a blessing […]
May one open or close a folding table or folding chair on Shabbos?
May one open or close a folding table or folding chair on Shabbos? It is forbidden on Shabbos to create a roofing or hovering due to the Ohel prohibition.[1] Nevertheless, the extremity of this prohibition is only in a case that the intent of the hovering is to protect a […]
If a neighbor’s tree is encroaching onto one’s property
If a neighbor’s tree is encroaching onto one’s property:[1] Cutting the branches: One whose neighbor’s tree is encroaching into one’s property, then if it is getting in the way of one’s use of the property[2], then he may cut down the area of the tree that extends into his property […]
Yichud between a brother and sister & Practical advice for parents
Yichud between a brother and sister:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule it is permitted for a brother and sister to remain alone together in the same room on a temporary basis.[3] [This applies even to a maternal or paternal sister.[4]] Other Poskim[5] rule it is forbidden for a brother and sister to […]