What is one to do if he began drinking a liquid, and then remembered that he did not say a blessing?[1] One who forgot and entered a drink into his mouth without saying a blessing [and then remembered prior to swallowing it] some Poskim[2] rule he is to swallow the […]
The Rebbe’s opinion on vaccinations
The following segment is an excerpt from a future, broader, article about vaccines and Halacha which is currently under research and in the process of being written. Iy”h it will be published in the near future. The Rebbe’s opinion on vaccinations:[1] As is known a Jew is obligated according to […]
Sick or weak fasting on Shiva Asar Betamuz Nidcha
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com Sick or weak fasting on Rabbinical fast days : Must one fast if he is sick:[1] One who is sick is exempt from fasting, [and is even prohibited to be stringent upon himself to fast[2]]. This applies even if there […]
How many people must eat bread to recite Sheva Brachos?
How many people amongst the Minyan must eat bread in order to be able to recite Sheva Brachos?[1] Sheva Brachos may only be recited after a meal in which a Chasan and Kallah are present if there is a Minyan of ten men above the age of Mitzvos in the […]
May one cook fish in a clean meat pot?
May one cook fish in a clean meat pot?[1] It is even initially permitted to cook fish in a clean meat pot. This applies even if the pot is Ben Yomo.[2] However some Poskim[3] are stringent to initially forbid cooking fish in meat pots and hence they require having separate […]
Are women to recite Kiddush Levana?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com Are women to recite Kiddush Levana?[1] Women are exempt from reciting Kiddush Levana.[2] Furthermore, women are not to recite it even though they are generally allowed to fulfill Mitzvos which they are exempt from.[3] _________________________________________________________ [1] Slaves: Slaves are exempt […]
Extinguishing the match after lighting candles, before saying the blessing
Extinguishing the match after lighting candles, before saying the blessing:[1] The background in Poskim: Some Poskim[2] rule that Shabbos is accepted as soon as one lights the candles, and it is hence forbidden to perform Melacha and extinguish the match/candle once the Shabbos candles have been lit, unless one made […]
Are women commanded in the laws of Shemiras Eiynayim?
Are women commanded in the laws of Shemiras Eiynayim?[1] Innocent looking-No pleasure involved: Some Poskim[2] rule that women are to avoid looking at men, just like men are to avoid looking at women. Thus, the women section in a Shul is to be built in a way that the women […]
Does baby formula require a Hashgacha?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com Does baby formula require a Hashgacha?[1] Baby formula which serves as an alternative to breast milk contain various Kashrus concerns including, non-Kosher milk and non-Kosher animal products which are used to create the vital nutrients necessary for the infant.[2] Accordingly, […]
A single string tore-Is my Tzitzis still Kosher?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com Check out our Tzitzis course! A single string tore from the Tzitzis:[1] Tore within the Gdil/braid, or beneath the Gdil by the hole?[2] If even one string tore from the root of the fringes, the Tzitzis is invalid.[3] This means […]