Removing the bad/waste together with some of the good/food: The opinion of Admur in the Shulchan Aruch:[1] It is permitted to remove from food which has waste in it, the waste together with some of the food, such as [using a spoon to] remove a fly from a cup together […]
Sitting during the blessings of Kerias Hatorah
Standing during the blessings of Kerias Hatorah: Some Poskim[1] rule that everyone [even those who sit during the actual reading] is required to stand upon hearing the blessings of the Torah [i.e. Barchu[2], Birchas Hatorah before and after[3]], as is the rule by every Davar Shebekedusha.[4] Other Poskim[5], however, rule […]
Standing versus sitting during Kerias Hatorah
Should one stand during Kerias Hatorah?[1] The congregation is not required to stand during the Torah reading [and so is the widespread custom[2], and so is the ruling according to Kabbala[3]].[4] However, there are some who are stringent[5] to stand [during the actual Torah reading, although even they are […]
Starting a new activity on Mondays and Wednesdays
Today’s Halacha is dedicated in memory of Reizal Baas R’ Zev Simon whose Yartzite is today This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Starting a new activity on Mondays and Wednesdays:[1] It is customary not to begin a new activity on Mondays and Wednesdays.[2] [Some[3] rule that […]
Leaving part of one’s wall unpainted Zecher Lachurban
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Leaving part of one’s wall unpainted:[1] When the Temple was destroyed, the Sages of that generation instituted that one may never build a home that is painted and decorated like the palace of a king, and rather one is […]
May one continue wearing Shabbos clothing on Motzei Shabbos which is Tisha Beav?
May one continue wearing Shabbos clothing on Motzei Shabbos which is Tisha Beav? Are they to be switched after nightfall before Maariv? In general, it is forbidden to wear Shabbos clothing during the nine days [with exception to Shabbos], and certainly on Tisha Beav this prohibition applies.[1] Accordingly, some Poskim[2] […]
Sefaradi versus Ashkenazi customs during the Three Weeks, nine days, and week of Tishe Beav that falls on Shabbos
When Tisha B’av falls on Sunday, when is considered the week of Tisha B’av?[1] When Tisha B’av falls on Sunday, the week beforehand is not considered the week of Tisha B’av, and there is hence no such concept of “the week of Tisha B’av” for that year.[2] However when Tisha […]
Wearing freshly laundered clothing during the Nine Days
* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email Wearing freshly laundered clothing:[1] It is forbidden to wear freshly laundered clothing […]
Buying items during the three weeks
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Buying items other than clothing: Until the nine days: It is permitted to buy all non-clothing items from the 17th of Tammuz until the start of the nine days. Seemingly, this applies even towards expensive items, and items that bring […]
May one enter a non-Kosher restaurant?
May one enter a non-Kosher restaurant?[1] In general, it is forbidden to enter into a non-Kosher restaurant due to Maras Ayin even if there are no Jews in the vicinity.[2] However, in a time of great need [such as one is very hungry or needs the bathroom] and there is […]