Kavana in Birchas Hamazon:[1] Understanding the meaning of the words: If one does not know the meaning of the words that he is saying in Birchas Hamazon, such as due to his lack of understanding of the language, then he does not fulfill his obligation.[2] Some Poskim[3] rule that this […]
Drying one’s body after Mikveh or a cold shower on Shabbos-Part 1
Drying one’s body after Mikveh or a cold shower on Shabbos: One who immerses in a Mikveh on Shabbos, or takes a cold shower in mitigating circumstances [i.e. heat duress; remove sweat or dirt][1], must be careful to avoid transgressing prohibitions involved in the drying process of the water that […]
Cases that Bal Tashchis not apply
Cases that Bal Tashchis not apply?[1] It is Biblically forbidden to damage or destroy any item that can serve of benefit to man[2], unless one of the following exceptions apply: Destroying an item for fixing purposes:[3] The above prohibition only applies when one desires to destroy or damage an item […]
Skipping parts of Davening in order to Daven Shemoneh Esrei with Minyan:
Skipping parts of Davening in order to Daven Shemoneh Esrei with Minyan: Letter of law:[1] [From the letter of the law] one who arrives late to Shul for Shacharis is required to skip Pesukei Dezimra in order so he be able to Daven Shemoneh Esrei with the congregation.[2] This, however, […]
The prohibition of Baal Tashchis-Part 1
The prohibition:[1] The same way that one must be careful with his body not to cause it loss, or harm, or damage, so too one must be careful with one’s possessions to not cause it loss or harm or damage.[2] Anyone who damages an item which is fit for people […]
Staying married even if one did not merit children after ten years
Must one divorce his wife if he has been married for 10 years without children?[1] From the letter of the law, if a man has been married for ten years[2] and has not yet had children[3], then in certain circumstances[4] the couple must get divorced[5] and are forced to do […]
Cut same onion with a meat and dairy knife
If one cut an onion [or any other Charif] with a meat knife and then cut the same onion with a dairy knife, what is the status of the onion and dairy knife? Background:[1] Sharp foods, such as onions and garlic[2], have ability to absorb the taste absorbed in a […]
Must a guilty defendant pay for court expenses and litigation fees according to Halacha Part 2
Fees involved in enforcing the court order: If a defendant who was found to be monetarily liable by a Beis Din refuses to pay the plaintiff the money he is owed, then the plaintiff may receive permission from the Beis Din to take him to the civil courts in order […]
The status of Pareve foods cooked in a Ben Yomo meat pot or vice versa
The status of Pareve foods cooked in a clean Ben Yomo meat pot or vice versa:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that a Pareve non-Charif food [whether dry or with gravy[3]] which was cooked or roasted[4] in a clean[5] meat pot, remains Pareve and is permitted to be eaten with milk products, […]
What is one to do with an old and worn out Kosher Tallis?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com What is one to do with an old and worn out Kosher Tallis? A Kosher Tallis:[1] A [Kosher] Tallis[2] which is worn out [but still contains Kosher Tzitzis[3]] is to be separated by the person from any use. One is […]