How to remove dirt [i.e. dust, hair lash, insect] from your food on Shabbos: Background: It is Biblically forbidden to separate waste from the food on Shabbos.[1] This prohibition is called Borer. This prohibition applies even if the waste is the minority of the food.[2] Any item which one does […]
May one play the lottery [i.e. purchase a lottery ticket]?
See here for our full article on gambling! May one play the lottery [i.e. purchase a lottery ticket]? Background: The act of gambling is subject to debate and discussion in the Poskim[1] as to its level of prohibition. Practically, in conclusion we rule that it is forbidden to gamble even […]
The order of Davening on a fast day if a Chasan or Baal Bris [i.e. Mohel; Sandek; Father] is present:
The order of Davening on a fast day if a Chasan or Baal Bris [i.e. Mohel; Sandek; Father] is present: Tachanun [and Lamnatzeiach; Keil Erech Apayim]:[1] If there is a Baal Bris or a Chasan [within seven days of his wedding, or on the day of his wedding] present by […]
Waiting for Minyan by Yishtabach-Minyan arrived after Yishtabach:
Waiting for Minyan by Yishtabach-Minyan arrived after Yishtabach: Where is the Chazan to wait:[1] In the event that a Minyan is not yet available in Shul, the Chazan is to wait [between Az Yashir and] Yishtabach [until the arrival of the tenth man]. He is to wait silently, without saying […]
May one make or use a Menorah of seven branches?
May one make/use a Menorah of seven branches?[1] It is [Biblically[2]] forbidden to make a Menorah which resembles the Menorah in the Temple, [and is valid for use in the Temple[3]]. Accordingly, one may not make a Menorah of seven branches, but rather of 5, or 6, or 8 branches.[4] […]
Women lighting Chanulah candles and must they be present for the lighting
This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here Women:[1] Women [who are the heads of their household] are obligated to light Chanukah candles just like men.[2] Thus, a single, divorced or widowed woman, is obligated to light Chanukah candles in her home. Likewise, a woman whose […]
Where should the Menorah be lit-Inside or outside the home? By the window or door?
To purchase this Sefer, click here Where in the home/property should the Menorah be lit? A. Inside the house versus outside the house-The letter of the law:[1] The candles are to be lit outside the front door of one’s house, which opens towards the public.[2] [This only applies if there […]
Using the flame of the Shabbos candles to light another candle?
Using the flame of the Shabbos candles to light another candle? It is forbidden to light a mundane candle/match from a Shabbos candle [even if one did not yet accept Shabbos with this lighting[1]].[2] [Thus, one may not use it to light the gas, or a cigarette and the like.] […]
Using the flame of the Chanukah candles to light another candle:
Using the flame of the Chanukah candles to light another candle:[1] Lighting a mundane candle-the Shamash: It is forbidden to light any mundane candle from an already lit Chanukah candle. This prohibition applies even against lighting a candle that will be used to light the other Chanukah candles.[2] [Hence, one […]
The status of Pareve foods cooked in a meat pot or vice versa:
The status of Pareve foods cooked in a meat pot or vice versa: If a Pareve food was cooked in a meat or dairy pot [or was cut with a meat or dairy knife while the Pareve food was hot[1]] then the law regarding whether the food remains Pareve, and […]