This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on Respecting the Tallis-Restriction of usages: A. Introduction: The laws relating to the respect that must be shown to a Tallis/Tzitzis differentiates between a Kosher Tallis that can still be used for the Mitzvah, and a Tallis or […]
May one serve ice cubes in a serving bowl on Shabbos?
May one serve ice cubes in a serving bowl on Shabbos? It is forbidden to actively melt ice on Shabbos through crushing it and the like.[1] It is disputed whether it is permitted to inactively cause ice to melt, such as through placing it near a heat source, such as […]
Distributing charity to gentiles
This Halacha is an Excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on Distributing charity to gentiles:[1] It is permitted and encouraged to distribute charity to a gentile.[2] This applies even if the charity is being given to an individual gentile or a group of gentiles without it also being distributed to Jewish […]
Ikkur Vitafel: The Bracha on Ice cream in a cone; Cereal and milk and cheese cake
What blessing is to be recited over ice cream in a cone?[1] One is to recite a blessing of Mezonos over the cone and then Shehakol over the ice cream.[2] If however one does not taste the cone at all and is simply using it to hold the ice cream […]
What blessing is to be recited over a Tortilla wrap [i.e. Taco]?
This Halacha is an Excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on What blessing is to be recited over a Tortilla wrap [i.e. Taco]? Corn/maize flour tortilla: If the Tortilla is made of corn/maize flour, and does not contain any of the five grain flours[1], then its blessing is Shehakol and requires […]
Asking a Kohen to leave the Shul-In a time of need, may one forgo the Aliyos of a Kohen and Levi and give it to a Yisrael
Asking a Kohen to leave the Shul-In a time of need, may one forgo the Aliyos of a Kohen and Levi and give it to a Yisrael?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that the Sages instituted that a Kohen and Levi cannot forgo their honor and allow a Yisrael to be called […]
May one take a male child to a women’s beach or vice versa?
This Halacha is an Excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on May one take a male child to a women’s beach or vice versa? Male children in female beach: From the letter of the law, there is no prohibition for male children who are prior to reaching the […]
Wearing a wool clothing on top of a linen clothing or vice versa
Wearing a wool clothing on top of a linen clothing or vice versa:[1] It is permitted to wear a wool shirt on top of a linen shirt [or vice versa]. Tying them together:[2] It is even permitted to tie the two clothing together in a way that they cannot be […]
The laws & Customs for Tisha Beav that falls on Shabbos
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Chapter 8: Tisha B’av that falls on Sunday This chapter will mention all the Halachic changes that apply when Tisha B’av falls on Sunday, in contrast to other days of the week. It retains the same laws as a regular […]
Children fasting on Tishe Beav
Children Fasting:[1] All children who are above the age of Bar or Bas Mitzvah are obligated to fast on all accustomed fast days.[2] All children who are below the age of Bar or Bas Mitzvah, are not required to fast any of the four Rabbinical fasts, including Tishe Beav.[3] […]