This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Motzei R”H: A. Shemoneh Esrei: In Shemoneh Esrei one must remember to add the following statements: Zachreinu; Mi Kamocha; Hamelech Hakadosh; Hamelech Hamishpat; Ukesov; Ubesefer, Oseh Hashalom. For further details on the laws relating to Shemoneh […]
The Mitzvah of hearing Shofar-The number of blows needed to be heard
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on The amount of blows needed to be heard: The Biblical requirement:[1] According to Biblical law, one is only is required to hear nine blows, which is made up of three sets of a Tekiah-Teruah-Tekiah [תר”ת תר”ת תר”ת].[2] With the […]
Sleeping on Rosh Hashanah
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Sleeping on Rosh Hashanah day:[1] It is customary to avoid[2] sleeping on Rosh Hashanah day[3] in order to prevent ones “Mazel” from sleeping.[4] Nevertheless, one who misuse’s his time is equivalent to one who is sleeping.[5] [One should therefore […]
The Simanim that are eaten on Rosh Hashanah
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on The Simanim-Foods of significance that are eaten on Rosh Hashanah:[1] One should be accustomed to eat[2] the following foods on Rosh Hashanah: Karti [Leek][3] Silka/Tradin [Beets][4] Tamri [Dates][5] Kara [Squash][6] Rubya/Tilsan:[7] The Rubya, which refers to […]
May one eat on Rosh Hashanah before hearing Shofar
May one eat prior to Shacharis?[1] It is forbidden to eat a meal prior to hearing Shofar.[2] [Even those which generally eat before prayer during the year so they have strength to pray, may not eat a meal prior to hearing Shofar on Rosh Hashanah.[3] This applies equally to both […]
Reciting the 13 attributes of mercy without a Minyan in the Torah reading tune
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on May one recite the 13 attributes of mercy to himself in the Torah reading tune? If one is saying Selichos without a Minyan, he is to omit the 13 attributes of mercy.[1] It is permitted to recite the thirteen […]
The Mitzvah of Kerias Hatorah-Who established it & Why
Today’s Halacha is an excerpt from our soon to be Published Sefer To purchase dedication pages and help support our work see here The Mitzvah of Kerias Hatorah-Who established it & Why?[1] Moshe Rabbeinu established for the Jewish people that they are to read from the Torah scroll on Shabbos, […]
Gentiles learning Torah-May one teach Torah to a gentile
May one teach Torah to gentiles?[1] It is [Biblically[2]] forbidden for a gentile to learn Torah, and a gentile who does so is liable for death [in the hands of heaven[3]].[4] It is likewise forbidden to teach a gentile Torah.[5] One who does so, transgresses a positive command[6], and possibly […]
Should one stand during Chazaras Hashatz?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here Standing for Chazaras Hashatz:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule the entire congregation is to stand throughout Chazaras Hashatz.[3] [Many Poskim[4] conclude that one is to follow this opinion. Some Poskim[5], however, rule that one need not heed by this opinion and may […]
Sweeping on Shabbos
1. Sweeping on Shabbos:[1] A. Using brooms made of hard strands: Breakable strands:[2] It is forbidden to sweep on Shabbos using a broom made of twigs [or other hard strands] which easily break upon being used.[3] This applies to all types of floors, even tiled floors.[4] [Thus one may not […]