Giving Maaser money to relatives

Giving Maaser money to relatives?[1] Tzedaka money and Maaser funds, is not only permitted to be distributed to poor relatives, but one is even required to precede a relative in need over other paupers. This includes one’s parents, one’s older[2] children, one’s brothers, and any other relative.[3] If one can […]

What is the proper Nussach to say in Birchas Hamazon: Harachaman Hu Yishbor Ol Galus Meial Tzavareinu or Ol HaGoyim Meial Tzavareinu?

What is the proper Nussach to say in Birchas Hamazon: Harachaman Hu Yishbor Ol Galus Meial Tzavareinu or Ol HaGoyim Meial Tzavareinu?[1] In the Harachaman’s that are recited in Birchas Hamazon, some Siddurim[2] and Benchers contain the Nussach of Ol Galus Meial Tzavareinu. Other Siddurim[3] and Benchers contain the Nussach […]

Distributing charity to gentiles

This Halacha is an Excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on Distributing charity to gentiles:[1] It is permitted and encouraged to distribute charity to a gentile.[2] This applies even if the charity is being given to an individual gentile or a group of gentiles without it also being distributed to Jewish […]