New! Source sheet included in end of article Is the blessing of Leisheiv Basukkah said before or after the blessing over food?[1] From the letter of the law, it would be deemed proper for the blessing of Leisheiv Basukkah to be recited prior to the blessing of Hamotzi [or Mezonos].[2] […]
Laundering clothing on Chol Hamoed if they all became dirty
May one launder his clothing on Chol Hamoed if they all became dirty? The general rule: It is forbidden to launder clothing on Chol Hamoed.[1] This applies even if one is doing so for the sake of wearing the clothing during the Moed and certainly if one is doing so […]
Laws of Erev Sukkos and Leisheiv Basukkah
Checklist for Erev Sukkos Charity Cut hair and nails No eating past 10th Bind Lulav Verify validity of Sukkah Erev Sukkos: Increase in Tzedakah on Erev Sukkos. Bake Challahs for Yom Tov in the honor of Yom Tov. Cut the nails on Erev Sukkos in honor of Yom Tov. Get […]
The intention that one must have upon dwelling in the Sukkah
The Kavana when dwelling in the Sukkah: The reason behind the Mitzvah of Sukkah:[1] The verse[2] states that the reason Hashem commanded us to dwell in a Sukkah for seven days is in order so our future generations remember that G-d settled the Jewish people in Sukkos when he took […]
Paying for the four species before the holiday
Paying for the four species before the holiday:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that one is required to pay for the four species before the Sukkos holiday, in order for the four species to be considered completely his from a Biblical perspective.[3] [If one cannot afford to pay the full sum prior […]
Malkus on Erev Yom Kippur
Malkus-Lashes:[1] When?[2] It is customary to receive 39 lashes on Erev Yom Kippur[3] [after midday] prior to going to Mikveh[4], prior to Mincha.[5] Why?[6] Although Malkus is no longer affective in today’s times due to lack of judges that have Semicha and due to lack of Hasara[7], nevertheless the custom […]
Covering the blood of the Chicken by Kaparos
Covering the blood of the Chicken by Kaparos:[1] It is a Mitzvah for the Shochet to cover the blood of slaughtered fowl with earth or straw.[2] It is nevertheless permitted for the Shochet to honor the owner of the chicken to do so in his place.[3] Earth or straw is […]
Confession Prayer of Erev Yom Kippur and Yom Kippur
The Confession Prayer:[1] The obligation:[2] It is an obligation to say the confession prayer on Yom Kippur being that it is a day of atonement and forgiveness[3] [and whenever we receive atonement, a confession prayer is said].[4] [Likewise, there is an obligation to perform Teshuvah on Yom Kippur, and whenever […]
Forgot to recite Ritzei on Shabbos and the law by Shabbos Shuva:
Forgot to recite Ritzei on Shabbos: On Shabbos, one is required to mention the day of Shabbos [i.e. Ritzei] within Birchas Hamazon.[1] If one forgot to mention Ritzei in the Birchas Hamazon of the Friday night meal or the first Shabbos day meal[2], and only remembered after he already began […]
General fast day checklist & Summary
General laws: One must be especially careful to avoid anger on a fast day The fast begins at Alos Hashachar, which is approximately two fluctuating hours prior to sunrise. Children are not to be given sweets and the like although one is not required to stop them from eating it […]