Al Peiroseha/Gafnah/Michyasa-The Nussach of Meiyn Shalosh when eating seven species fruits/Mezonos/wine from Eretz Yisrael or within Eretz Yisrael:[1] In the Diaspora, one who eats fruits of the seven Minim [i.e. dates, figs, pomegranates, olives, grapes] concludes the blessing with the words “Al Ha’aretz Veal Hapeiros.” However, in Eretz Yisrael, one […]
May one apply oil onto his body on Shabbos?
May one rub oil onto his body on Shabbos? It used to be widely practiced in previous times for people to smear oil on their body for purposes of enjoyment and pleasure. While today this is not as common, people occasionally wish to rub oil on their body for medicinal […]
The custom of spilling liquid from one’s cup prior to drinking
The custom of spilling liquid from one’s cup prior to drinking:[1] There are many matters which the sages prohibited due to them containing danger of life, and whoever transgresses them and says I will endanger myself and it’s none of anyone else’s business, or says that I [do not worry […]
May one Daven with his hands in his pocket?
May one Daven with his hands in his pocket?[1] One is required to stand [before G-d] during the prayer [of Shemoneh Esrei] like a servant stands before his master, in a way of awe, fear, and trepidation.[2] Likewise, one is not to place his hands on his loins, as this […]
Children breaking Yichud-At what ages can a child serve as a Shomer for the purpose of breaking Yichud?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on At what ages can a child serve as a Shomer for the purpose of breaking Yichud?[1] Yichud between a man and woman is permitted in a case that a Shomer is present. Children that are of the age to understand […]
The status of Challah’s baked in a meat or dairy oven, or together with meat or dairy
Are my Challah’s still Pareve? The status of Challah’s baked in a meat or dairy Oven Final Summary: A. Baking at the same time as baking meat or chicken:[1] Covered: If the meat or chicken is covered, it is allowed to bake the Challah simultaneously if the oven is clean […]
Women avoiding Melacha on Motzei Shabbos
Avoiding Melacha on Motzei Shabbos-Women Sewing:[1] Some Poskim[2] write it is customary for women to avoid doing Melacha throughout the entire duration of Motzei Shabbos. However, this custom is negated by the Yerushalmi[3], was omitted by Admur[4], and is no longer the accepted custom, and therefore so is the practical […]
Women and the blessing of Meoreiy Haeish-Reciting the blessing, Placing the hands by the candles
Women and the blessing of Meoreiy Haeish:[1] Women are obligated in Havdalah.[2] They can either fulfill their obligation through listening to the Havdalah of another person, or through saying it themselves[3], just as is the law by men. The following will discuss a woman’s obligation vis a vis the blessing […]
Learning the laws of Aveilus-Mourning and why some avoid doing so
Learning the laws of Aveilus:[1] It is a widespread custom for one whose parents are alive to avoid studying the laws of mourning.[2] It is thus only studied by the community Rabbi [or potential Posek], for him to answer questions to those who ask him on this subject.[3] On the […]
The Chabad custom of tightening the knot of the Yud of the Tefillin Shel Yad after the blessing
The Chabad custom of tightening the knot of the Yud after the blessing:[1] After the blessing, one is to fasten the strap within the knot in order to fulfill the command of “And you shall tie for a sign on your hand.”[2] [Many Chabad Chassidim have a tradition that this […]