Wishing good Shabbos after the time of Mincha:[1] There is a known custom not to wish good Shabbos or say Shalom Aleichem between Mincha and Maariv on Shabbos, during Bein Hashmashos.[2] _____________________________________________________________ [1] Piskeiy Teshuvos 292/8 in name of Sefer Matamim and Otzer Minhagei Yeshurun; Mentioned in Makor Chaim 270 […]
Shemira for a Chasan and Kallah after the wedding
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer “Topics in Practical Halacha” Volume 1 E.H. Halacha 15 Shemira for Chasan and Kallah after wedding:[1] It is forbidden for a Chasan [or Kallah[2]] to go outside alone in the marketplace [or any area[3], both by day or night[4] during Sheva Brachos].[5] […]
Should a married man say a blessing on a Tallis Katan
View original Hebrew sources-For members Only This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Should a married m an say a blessing on a Tallis Katan? Is one to say a blessing over a Tallis Katan worn prior to Davening if he will be wearing a Tallis Gadol for Shacharis? […]
Participating in wedding and otehr festive meals on day of Yahrzeit
Source sheet for members only Mourning laws applicable on the day of a Yahrzeit: A. First Yahrzeit:[1] On the first Yahrzeit [if the year of mourning was not a leap year] the custom is to practice the laws of the year of Aveilus up until after the day of the […]
Cutting hair and nails on Rosh Chodesh
Listen here to audio Cutting hair and nails on Rosh Chodesh:[1] One may[2] not cut the hair of his head[3] [or beard[4]] or his nails[5] on Rosh Chodesh.[6] This applies to both men and women. [This applies to both days of Rosh Chodesh.[7] This applies to both the day and […]
Women doing Melacha/work on Rosh Chodesh-Background, Reasons, Restrictions, and Heterim
Listen here to audio Melacha/work on Rosh Chodesh:[1] A. The law and custom: It is permitted to do work on Rosh Chodesh.[2] Nevertheless, those women that are accustomed to refrain from working are doing a proper custom.[3] [Practically, the widespread custom today amongst women is to refrain from work on […]
Ask The Rabbi-Latest Q&A
*Send your Shaalos through the comment section below, or to rabbiygoldstein@gmail.com, or via whatsapp to the number 0506684825, and we will IYH reply. **Please note that we retain the right to publish the question with our reply on our website for the benefit of our readers, with ensuring your privacy […]
Broken glasses on Shabbos
May one fix broken glasses and are they considered Muktzah? Lens came out: It is forbidden to reinsert the lens into the frame even loosely.[1] However, the lens itself is not considered Muktzah[2] unless it shattered or the glasses have broken to the point they are no longer useable.[3] The […]
Pas Paltar-Commercial gentile bread
Listen here to audio Pas Palter-Must commercially baked bread be Pas Yisrael:[1] When the Sages initially enacted the decree against eating the bread of a gentile, the decree applied towards all bread baked by a gentile, whether it is bread baked within the private home of a gentile, or bread […]
Is one to stand or sit when making Kiddush?
Is one required to stand when making Kiddush? Night Kiddush:[1] It is proper to stand while reciting Vayechulu in Kiddush.[2] However, when one says the blessing of Kiddush [i.e. Hagafen and onwards], it is better to sit.[3] [From the letter of the law, however, he may stand if he chooses.[4]] […]