Is one to cover the Negel Vasser water at night prior to going to sleep?[1] Many opinions[2] rule there is no need to be stringent against washing hands with water that was left revealed overnight. This applies even in an area where snakes are commonly found.[3] However, there are […]
Saying Vayechulu after Shemon eh Esrei on Friday nights-How & Why
Saying Vayechulu after Shemon eh Esrei on Friday nights-How & Why: The start of the custom and its purpose and reason:[1] The saying of Vayechulu after Shemoneh Esrei of Friday night was accustomed due to the Yom Tov Friday night Davening in which Vayechulu is omitted from the Yom Tov […]
May one Kosher a meat vessel to use for dairy or vice versa?
May one Kosher a meat vessel to use for dairy or vice versa?[1] Through Libun:[2] It is permitted to Kosher a vessel through Libun, and interchange its use between meat and dairy. Thus, one may Kosher a meat oven to use for dairy and vice versa.[3] [All vessels made of […]
Must the Shel Rosh straps that dangle in front of one’s chest have their black side face up?
Must the Shel Rosh straps that dangle in front of one’s chest have their black side face up?[1] The Poskim rule that the straps are not to be turned over [onto their white side], neither by the Tefillin Shel Yad nor by the Tefillin Shel Rosh [and are hence to […]
Music therapy-May one listen to music during the three weeks for emotional and mental health purposes?
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Music therapy-May one listen to music during the three weeks for emotional and mental health purposes? In general, one may not play or listen[1] to music during the three weeks.[2] [It is forbidden to listen to music, whether live or […]
Eating restrictions for one who is exempt from fasting
Eating restrictions for one who is exempt from fasting: Eating in accordance to “Shiurim” as required on Yom Kippur: Some Poskim[1] rule that even one who is exempt from the fast is required to follow the same eating and drinking measurements “Shiurim” prescribed on Yom Kippur. Other Poskim[2], however, rule […]
Summary of laws of the Three Weeks
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Summary Chapter 1-The 17th of Tamuz: The 17th of Tamuz is a public fast day. One is required to fast on this day due to the tragedies that occurred during this time. It is also the beginning of the […]
Covid-19 Fasting laws-Should one fast this year on 17th of Tamuz
Covid-19 Fasting laws-Should one fast this year on 17th of Tamuz? Law for one who is sick:[1] One who is sick is exempt from fasting, [and is even prohibited to be stringent upon himself to fast[2]].[3] This applies even if there is no danger involved in his illness.[4] He is […]
Is one to repeat the blessing after re-wearing the Tefillin after using the bathroom:
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Original Hebrew Source sheet [for Members Only] Is one to repeat the blessing after re-wearing the Tefillin after using the bathroom: Background on saying a blessing when re-wearing Tefillin: One who removed his Tefillin and now desires to place it back on, […]
Co-sleeping-May boys/men sleep together on the same bed
See original Hebrew source sheets [for members only] Co-sleeping-May boys/men sleep together on the same bed?[1] It is forbidden for two men/boys to sleep together in the same bed.[2] This applies even if the men are married, and certainly if they are both single.[3] This applies even if they are […]