What is the law if the Kesuba became lost:[1] It is forbidden for a couple to remain even one hour without a Kesuba.[2] Therefore, if a couple lost the Kesuba [or an invalidation was found in it[3] then] they must have a new Kesuba written immediately, as soon as they […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Placed dairy cover on meat pot; 2) Koshering wood; 3) Baked cheese pastry in meat oven
Question: [Monday, 13th Teves 5781] We were cooking pasta in a meat pot that had been used for cooking meat in the past 24 hours and accidentally placed on it a dairy cover that has not been used for dairy for many months. What is the law of my pasta […]
Attending a meal and joyous event during the year of Aveilus, past Shloshim
Attending a meal and joyous event during the year of Aveilus, past Shloshim [1] *From our Sefer “The laws of Mourning” Volume 2 Chapter 23. See there for the full details of this subject! The laws of attending a meal during the year of Aveilus is similar to the laws […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Blessing on olives during meal; 2) Approximating Gartel to Sefer Torah; 3) Using Yad of Sefer Torah to read along in Chumash
Question: [Motzei Shabbos, 12th Teves 5781] Should one make a blessing of Haietz when eating olives during a meal with bread? Is it similar to all fruits that we say a Haeitz during the meal or is it different being that it is not sweet? Answer: One who eats olives […]
Removing one’s shoes with one’s hands
Removing one’s shoes with one’s hands:[1] One who removes [or even touches[2]] his shoes with his hands[3] is required to wash his hands one time [immediately] afterwards. This applies even if the shoes are clean.[4] [This applies even if one only touched his shoes with his pinky.[5] If the shoes […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) making use of a pot plant on Shabbos 2) resting a siddur on a tree trunk on Shabbos 3) what to do if a hat flew onto a tree on Shabbos
Question: [Motzei Shabbos, 12th Teves 5781] Does the prohibition against making use of a tree also apply against a pot plant? Answer: Yes, it follows the same exact law as a growth from the ground, and thus if the plant contains a hard stem which if bended will break, and […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Response to attack against the custom of avoiding Torah learning on the night of Nittel
Question: [Thursday, 9th Teves 5781] With all due respect what you are saying about not learning Torah on the night of December 25th is not true. The Rabanim poskined to not learn Torah for one reason. They were afraid of pogroms being carried out against Jews learning Torah together, during […]
From the Rav’s Desk: How to separate Maaser from Lemons-Maaser Ani or Maaser Sheiyni
Question: [Monday, 6th Teves 5781] How does one separate Teruma and Maasros from a lemon tree? My main question is regarding its years of Maasros and how to calculate when it belongs to the year of Maaser Sheiyni and when it belongs to the year of Maaser Ani. Do we […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Davening and learning near smell of spoiled food 2) Birchas Hatorah prior to reciting the bedtime Shema if accidentally fell asleep
Question: [Tuesday 7th Teves, 5781] There is a strange smell of spoiled food in our Beis Midrash and we have tried to discover its source unsuccessfully. My question is whether it is permitted for us to continue learning and Davening in the area? The smell is very pungent. Answer: […]
From The Rav’s Desk: The attitude to the “doomsday” speakers and conspiracy theorist and prophecy lecturers
Question: [Monday, 6th Teves 5781] Dear Rabbi, What is your opinion on all the various doomsday speakers that the Jewish world has merited to have? There are so many Frum speakers today available on the Internet that you can listen to, and some of the speakers tend to include […]