Question: [Tuesday, 28th Teves 5781] Dear Rabbi, our Chuppah is already scheduled to begin and I cannot seem to find the wedding ring that I bought for the Kiddushin to give my Kallah under the Chuppah. We checked all our pockets as well as the clothing in my apartment and […]
Removing the Mezuzah upon moving out of a home-Part 2-Circumventing the prohibition
May a renter remove his Mezuzah upon moving out of the home-Part 2-Circumventing the prohibition: It is possible to circumvent the prohibition, and retrieve one’s Mezuzos, in the following ways: The new renter or owner comes to the home and removes the Mezuzos of the previous renter and replaces it […]
Removing the Mezuzah upon moving out of a home-Part 1
May a renter remove his Mezuzah upon moving out of the home-Part 1:[1] Upon moving out of a rental home, the renter may not remove his Mezuzahs from the doors.[2] [This applies even if one plans to place the Mezuzos on the doors of his new home.[3] Furthermore, this applies […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Convert keeping Yartzite for Jewish father; 2) Mentioning to convert that he is a convert
Question: [Monday, 27th Teves 5781] Dear Rabbi, I am a convert, but my father was Jewish and would like to know whether I should keep the Yartzeit of my father as well as whether I receive precedence to lead the prayer for the Amud over somebody who is within the […]
Davening Maariv with a Minyan during Pelag Hamincha versus Davening in private after nightfall
Davening Maariv with a Minyan during Pelag Hamincha versus Davening in private after nightfall?[1] One who normally Davens Maariv after nightfall who is present by a Minyan that Davens Maariv after Pelag Hamincha, is to Daven with them [if a Minyan will not be available later on[2]], and then repeat […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Davening out loud-the Chabad custom
Question: [Motzei Shabbos, 26th Teves 5781] According to Chabad custom is it proper to pray out loud? I am not referring to the prayer of Shemoneh Esrei which I understand is forbidden to be said out loud, but rather to the rest of the prayer, such as Pesukei Dezimra, Birchos […]
How to distribute the Kiddush wine to the listeners and how to “fix” it prior to the distribution-Part 2
How to distribute the Kiddush wine to the listeners and how to “fix” it prior to the distribution:[1] A. Introduction: While there is no obligation for the listeners to drink from the Kiddush wine in order to fulfill their obligation of Kiddush[2], nonetheless, it is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar for […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Sweeping leaves on Shabbos 2) Using sticky notes as placeholders on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday, 23rd Teves 5781] Is it permitted to sweep leaves that have fallen onto my patio on Shabbos and does it make a difference if they fell before Shabbos or on Shabbos? Answer: It is permitted to sweep leaves from a tiled floor on Shabbos, such as the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Blessing on French Toast
Question: [Wednesday, 22nd Teves 5781] What is the proper blessing to say over French toast. I’ve heard some people say that it’s Mezonos and I wanted to know if this is true. Answer: Slices of French toast that are a Kezayis or more in size receive the blessing of […]
Lending money to a person who has no means of paying back
Lending money to a person who has no means of paying back:[1] If the lender knows that the borrower does not have the means to pay back the loan, and does not plan to invest the money in a business which will bring profit, but rather wants to use it […]