Moving a Muktzah item with a shinuiy [i.e. unusual manner]:[1] All Muktzah objects [under all categories, Muktzah Machmas Gufo, Chisron Kis, and Keli Shemilachto Lei’issur] are only forbidden to be moved in in the regular way that they are moved during the week, which is through using one’s hands.[2] However, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Placing a bag of tea on the eye as a remedy on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday, 24th Iyar 5781] My daughter has a sty pimple by the side of her eye which is very much irritating her. May she place a bag of tea on her eyes for the sake of healing it on Shabbos. The pimple is causing her eyelid to close up […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Tile fell from porch and broke windshield
Question: [Wednesday, 23rd Iyar 5781] We have a number of extra tiles on our porch which are stacked by the edge of the gate which surrounds our porch. It’s been there for months without moving. Last night, one of the tiles somehow fell with the wind and smashed the windshield […]
One who accidently switched an item with another person
One who accidently switched an item with another person:[1] If one attended an event, or participated in a Minyan or Shiur, and at the end of the event he accidently took the wrong coat, hat, umbrella, Tallis/Tefillin, or any other item, may he use that item until he finds the […]
Performing miracles using practical Kabala
Performing miracles using practical Kabala: *As stated below, it is forbidden for regular people to engage in practical Kabbalah and therefore the below information is for background knowledge purposes only! [From the letter of the law] it is permitted to perform magical illusions [i.e. Achizas Eiynayim] through Sefer Yetizra.[1] Furthermore, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: An electrician entering a church to fix the air conditioner
Question: [Tuesday, 22nd Iyar, 5781] I work in the city as an electrician and was recently offered a job of being in charge of the maintenance of the air-conditioning units in a group of churches. I will often need to enter the church sanctuary in order to perform the maintenance. […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Swimming, traveling, and other “dangerous” activities during Sefira
Question: [Monday, 21st Iyar 5781] Must one avoid doing things of possible danger during Sefira just as avoided during the three weeks, such as to avoid going swimming especially in the ocean and avoid traveling in a plane and the like? Answer: From the letter of the law, there is […]
Counting with a blessing after overhearing the Sefira/blessing from another
Counting with a blessing after overhearing the Sefira/blessing from another:[1] If one casually overheard the counting of another person, whether from a private individual or congregation, without any particular intent of being Yotzei or not being Yotzei, then it is disputed as to whether he fulfilled his obligation.[2] This […]
If one used the bathroom prior to saying an after blessing for food which blessing is to be recited first?
If one used the bathroom prior to saying an after blessing for food which blessing is to be recited first?[1] If one ate an item that requires an after blessing [such as Borei Nefashos[2] or even Birchas Hamazon[3]] and forgot to say the blessing and urinated [or defecated] and then […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Saying a blessing if one needs to use the bathroom
Question: [Sunday, 20th Iyar, 5781] Is it permitted for one to say a blessing if he feels the urge to use the bathroom? Answer: No. One who feels the urge to use the bathroom is prohibited from saying a blessing. Explanation: Although the main discussion in the Poskim is regarding […]