Question: [Sunday, 12th Sivan, 5781] I read in the Shulchan Aruch of Admur chapter 600:1 that in times that the new moon was sanctified based on testimony, that messengers were sent in the month of Nissan, Sivan, and Tishreiy to inform the populace as to when the moon was sanctified […]
Must/May a blessing be recited when borrowing the Tallis of a Shul for Duchaning, Aliyah, Chazan, and the like
Must/May a blessing be recited when borrowing the Tallis of a Shul for Duchaning, Aliyah, Chazan, and the like? A. Background: Is a blessing recited over a borrowed Tallis:[1] When borrowing a Tallis from another person for the sake of the Mitzvah it is proper for the borrower to ask […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one perform a raffle on Shabbos or Yom Tov for a children’s gathering
Question: [Thursday, 9th Sivan 5781] May one do a raffle on Shabbos or Yom Tov for a children’s gathering? Some places are accustomed to do so for all types of children gatherings on Shabbos and Yom Tov for the sake of garnering their interest in attending and behaving during the […]
Moving a Muktzah item with a shinuiy [i.e. unusual manner]-Part 2-Definition of Shinuiy
Moving a Muktzah item with a shinuiy-Part 2-Examples of unusual manners of moving Muktzah: As explained in part one of this Halacha, all Muktzah objects are permitted to be moved in an unusual manner (shinui), which is defined as moving it with any body part other than one’s hands. The […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Doing Kiddush Levana on Motzei Shavuos
Question: [Tuesday, 8th Sivan, 5781] May one perform Kiddush Levana on Motzei Shavuos, or should he wait until after Shabbos? Answer: In the Diaspora, when seven days have passed from the Molad [either seven complete days, or into the seventh day, depending on one’s accustomed way of ruling], then one […]
Does one recite the morning blessing of Al Netilas Yadayim if he did not sleep at night?
Does one wash hands and recite the morning blessing of Al Netilas Yadayim if he did not sleep[1] at night?[2] A. The debate: Background: There is a dispute amongst Poskim[3] as to the reason behind the morning washing, and consequently there is also a debate as to whether one who […]
What number haircut may one take in the area of his Peiyos?
To how short may the hair in the Halachic area of the Peiyos be cut?[1] Razer versus scissor: It is forbidden to cut the hairs in the Halachic area of the Peiyos with a razor.[2] [It is however, permitted to cut it with a scissor, or haircutting machine, even if […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Drying one’s hands on his shirt on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday, 2nd Sivan 5781] If my hands are wet and I don’t have a towel, may I wipe my hands on my shirt on Shabbos? Answer: In general, it is best to use a towel for wiping one’s hands on Shabbos. [This is in addition to the general adherence […]
Are flowers in a vase Muktzah on Shabbos?
Are flowers in a vase Muktzah on Shabbos?[1] Background: All items that do not contain a use are considered Muktzah Machams Gufo on Shabbos and may not be moved for any purpose in a regular fashion, neither for space, use or to save from damage.[2] Thus, ground products such as […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May women iron clothing on Rosh Chodesh?
Question: [Tuesday, 1st Sivan, 5781] Is it permitted for a woman to iron clothing on Rosh Chodesh? Answer: The custom is to avoid all clothing related work, including ironing, unless you have a specific custom in your family to permit doing so. Nonetheless, the above is only regarding ironing clothing […]