Question: [Shabbos 16th Tammuz 5781] Am I allowed to put my glasses on and turn off my alarm clock prior to washing hands in the morning. I actually had a roommate in school who was very particular about this and would let his alarm go off for minutes until he […]
Wearing a hat and jacket-Source, Custom, & Reasons
The custom of wearing a hat and jacket: A. Custom, source, and reason: The custom of wearing a hat over the Yarmulke: It is customary amongst pious Jews to walk with two head coverings, and they thus wear a hat over their Yarmulke.[1] This custom is followed by Chassidim.[2] The […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) May one recite Tehillim on Friday night? 2) Should a husband light candles at home if his wife is away for Shabbos?
Question: [Thursday, 21st Tammuz 5781] Is it permitted for me to recite tehillim on Friday night if I generally am careful not to recite tehillim at night? Answer: The Poskim explicitly rule that it is permitted to recite tehillim on Friday night even prior to midnight. You may rely […]
The Shabbos Budget-How much money should one spend in order to enhance Shabbos and what should be part of the Shabbos menu?
The Shabbos Budget-How much money should one spend in order to enhance Shabbos and what should be part of the Shabbos menu? The foods eaten to fulfill the mitzvah of Oneg Shabbos vary in accordance to each country’s definition of a luxurious food. Thus, those foods and beverages which are […]
From the Rav’s Desk: How is the name Dovber and Batsheva to be written as one name or two
Question: [Tuesday, 20th Tammuz, 5781] We have two children one named Dovber and the other name Batsheva. I would like to know how their names are to be written and if it is a single name [דובער בתשבע], or two names such as Dov Ber and Bat Sheva [דוב בער […]
Yichud in Taxis
Yichud in a taxi:[1] When a woman takes a taxi with a male taxi driver, or a man takes a taxi with a female taxi driver, the possibility of a Yichud prohibition arises.[2] This is dependent on several factors as will be explained: People/cars outside: If the windows of the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Hot hotdog fell on floor that may have contained dairy remnant
Question: [Tuesday, 19th Tammuz, 5781] I was barbecuing hamburgers and hotdogs in my Fleishig oven, and when I took out one of the Hotdogs to see if it was ready, it slipped from my fork and fell onto the floor. My question is whether it is Treif due to that […]
Buying, wearing and making new clothing during the three weeks
Buying, wearing and making new clothing: A. Buying new clothing: Between the 17th of Tammuz and Rosh Chodesh Av:[1] It is good[2] to beware not to recite Shehechiyanu over new clothing during the three weeks.[3] Accordingly, it is forbidden to buy or wear new clothing during the three weeks, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Manicure during the three weeks; 2) Getting ears pierced during the three weeks; 3) Giving end of year present to one’s teacher who is in mourning
Question: [Monday, 18th Tamuz 5781] May one get a manicure during the three weeks? Answer: It is permitted to do so up until the week of Tishe Beav, although some are stringent starting from the nine days. Explanation: There is no listed restriction against getting a manicure or pedicure […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Fasting if less than 40 days pregnant and 24 months from birth
Question: [Sunday 17th Tamuz 5781] I recently found out that I am pregnant. I am 30 days along. Do I have to fast? To note that I am also two years within giving birth. Answer: A pregnant woman who is in pain is exempt from fasting starting from the […]