Question: [Sunday, 3rd Kisleiv, 5782] I am the Gabaiy of my Shul and called an individual to the Torah unknowingly that he was on his last day of Shiva. [He gets up from Shiva that Shabbos.] Should he nonetheless take the Aliyah? Answer: Yes, on Shabbos once a person is […]
Parshas Toldos-Summary of the Parsha
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on Parshas Toldos Pesukim: 106 [Siman:עלו ] Haftorah: Malachi 1 1:1-2:7 Number of Mitzvos: There are no Positive or Negative commands mentioned in Parshas Toldos. Rishon The birth of Yaakov and Eisav: Avraham fathered Yitzchak. Yitzchak was 40 […]
Likkutei Sichos-How could Eisav the Rasha come from Yitzchak Avinu-Dealing with a troubled child
Parshas Toldos Dealing with wayward children and the heretic Jew (Likkutei Sichos Vol. 15 1st Sicha) In this week’s Parsha, Parshas Toldos, the birth of Yaakov and Esav is discussed. While most people who read Scripture side with the righteous Yaakov as opposed to his evil brother Esav, most ironically, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Having someone light Shabbos candles for you, and having you say the blessing later on
Question: [Thursday 29th Marcheshvan 5782] I work as a nurse in Shaareiy Tzedek hospital, and my Friday shift ends after sunset in the winter. Can I tell my daughters to light candles for me at home and then when I come home, I will say the blessing over them? […]
Melting a frozen bottle of water or juice on Shabbos
Melting a frozen, or partially frozen, bottle of water or juice on Shabbos: A. Background:[1] While there is no intrinsic biblical prohibition involved in melting ice on Shabbos, so long as one does not heat it to the point of Yad Soledes and transgress the cooking prohibition, nonetheless, the sages […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Saying Shemoneh Esrei out loud for the sake of Kedusha
Question: [Wednesday, 28th Marcheshvan, 5782] We were only eight people in Shul for Mincha, and being that it was already very late, several minutes after sunset, five of us began Shemoneh Esrei without a minyan, and afterwards two people showed up. My question is regarding what we should do in […]
Bari Vishema-The law when a lender claims he is owed money, while the borrower says he thinks he already paid him back
Bari Vishema-The law when a lender claims he is owed money, while the borrower says he thinks he already paid him back:[1] The case: Reuvein lent Shimon a certain sum of money, and when he approached Shimon to pay him back his debt, Shimon replied to him that he thinks […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Removing dead leaves from plants and trees during shemita
Question: [Tuesday, 27th Marcheshvan 5782] I live in Eretz Yisrael and have a lot of dead leaves on my plants and trees. I would like to know if I can take them off during Shemita? Answer: It is forbidden to remove dead leaves or branches from a plant or […]
The various institutions of Rabbeinu Gershom
The various institutions of Rabbeinu Gershom:[1] Rabbeinu Gershom was a famous leader of Ashkenazi Jewry throughout the early 11th century, making various institutions on Ashkenazi Jewry that have reverberating effects until this very day. Rabbeinu Gershom was born in the year 960 in France, but he later moved to Maintz, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Rebbe coin necklaces-Entering with a coin of the Rebbe into the bathroom
Question: [Monday 26th MarCheshvan 5782] I recently received a coin of the Rebbe in honor of my Bas Mitzvah and would like to know if I can turn it into a necklace and wear it when I enter the bathroom? Answer: In my opinion, it is highly improper to […]