Forgot to say Vesein Tal Umatar:[1] One who forgot to say Vesein Tal Umatar during the period that it is to be said [which is in Eretz Yisrael between the 7th of Marcheshven and Pesach, and in the Diaspora between the 5th/6th of December and Pesach] is required to repeat […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Does one fulfill his obligation if he lights the menorah on the floor?
Question: [Sunday, 1st Teves, 5782] I and a number of my roommates lit the menorah on the floor in order so we can sit around it and have a Kumzitz around the lights. Someone then said to us that it must be lit three handbreadths above on the ground, otherwise […]
Eating festive meals on Chanukah and the Chanukah menu
Eating festive meals on Chanukah and the Chanukah menu:[1] There is a dispute amongst Poskim regarding the form of celebration the Sages established to be performed on Chanukah. Some Poskim[2] rule the rejoicing was established to be performed only in a spiritual nature; to light candles, say Al Hanisim and […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Answering Amen with a Niggun by Chanukah candle lighting
Question: [Thursday 28th Kisleiv 5782] We are accustomed, as many of the people are as well, to answer the Amen after the blessings of the Hanukkah menorah in a long tune which stretches out the Amen. One of my children said to me that she heard that it is forbidden […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Attending a Chanukah party by candle lighting time
Question: [Wednesday, 27th Kisleiv, 5782] We are having a Chanukah party by relatives for which we must leave prior to the candle lighting time. My question is regarding what we should do about lighting and if we should light candles by our host, or should wait to light until we […]
The Shamash-Purpose & Halachic details-Part 2
The Shamash-Purpose & Halachic details-Part 2[1] E. How long is the Shamash to last for?[2] The Shamash is to last for at least 30 minutes after nightfall. F. When to light the Shamash: The candle which is used to light all the other candles is to be lit before the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Lighting using a broken seven branched menorah
Question: [Tuesday, 26th Kisleiv 5782] One of the branches of our tall Chanukah menorah broke off together with the Shamash, and we hence now have only seven branches by the Menorah. May I use this menorah to light with until the seventh night? Answer: If the menorah is made […]
The Shamash-Purpose & Halachic details-Part 1
The Shamash-Purpose & Halachic details:[1] A. Its name and the candle that it refers to: The technical term Shamash refers to the candle used to light the Chanukah candles, hence lending it its name “the servant,” and not necessarily to the extra candle that is lit in addition to the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Waiting for wife to come home to light candles
Question: [Monday 25th Kisleiv 5782] My wife will not be coming home until about an hour after nightfall. Is it better for me to light by myself on time or should I wait for her to come home in order to light? Answer: It is better in such a […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May an Avel/mourner light the Shul’s Menorah
Question: [Sunday, 24th Kisleiv, 5782] In our Shul we usually have a custom that the Chazan of Mincha lights the Shul’s Menorah before Aleinu. I am actually within the year of morning and will be leading the prayers throughout Chanukah and I would like to know is there any issue […]