Holding onto the handles of the Sefer Torah during the Aliyah-Why and how:[1] One holds on to the [handles[2], known as the Eitz Chaim, of the] Sefer Torah while saying the blessing [and during the reading[3]].[4] While saying the blessing he is to hold onto both handles, holding onto the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Having a gentile web technician work on your website on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday 7th Kisleiv 5782] The maintenance of our website is performed by a non-Jewish web technician. I would like to know if it’s permitted for him to do work on Shabbos on my website or if I have to tell him not to do any work on my website […]
Comforting a mourner on Shabbos
Comforting a mourner on Shabbos:[1] It is permitted to comfort an Avel on Shabbos.[2] [However, one is not to publicly announce for people to go be Menachem Avel, due to the prohibition against showing public Aveilus on Shabbos.[3]] The Nussach:[4] It is even permitted to comfort the Avel in the […]
Believing in superstitions
Believing in superstitions: A. Introduction:[1] The prohibition of Nichush:[2] It is Biblically forbidden due to the prohibition of “Lo Sinacheish” for one to practice superstitions such as to say that if a black cat crosses his path then he will not leave his house that day due to belief that […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May children look in the mirror prior to growing teeth, and is one to avoid stepping over a child lest he not grow?
Question: [Wednesday, 6th Kisleiv, 5782] Many families have a tradition that a child should not look in the mirror prior to him growing teeth, and that you should not step over a child lest he not grow, and if you do step over him that you should step over him […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one wear Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin past sunset or nightfall?
Question: [Tuesday, 4th Kisleiv 5782] I have heard a number of times that you can be more lenient with Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin, to put them on past sunset or even past nightfall prior to the time of Rabbeinu Tam? Is this correct? Answer: This is incorrect. Initially one must […]
May a child before Bar Mitzvah eat before Davening?
May a child below Bar Mitzvah eat before Davening Shacharis [i.e. Hamotzi breakfast]: A. Background-The general prohibition of eating before prayer:[1] The sages prohibited one from eating or drinking starting from the time of Alos Hashachar until after one Davens Shemoneh Esrei [of Shacharis].[2] This is in addition to the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Hatavas Chalom-How can a wife perform a Hatavas Chalom for a bad dream?
Question: [Monday 4th Kisleiv 5782] I would like to perform a Hatavas Chalom for bad dreams that I have been suffering from. My question is if I need to personally do it before three men, or if I can send my husband to do so for me? Answer: Seemingly, […]
Can a person sit Shiva for a missing relative-Mourning if there is no identified body of the deceased
Can a person sit Shiva for a missing relative-Mourning if there is no identified body of the deceased:[1] Deceased was a married male: In all cases that the body is missing or unidentifiable, and death cannot be determined to the point that the wife of the deceased can remarry [as […]
When to correct a Baal Korei for making mistakes in the reading
When to correct a Baal Korei for making mistakes in the reading:[1] *This Halacha only discusses mispronunciations and mistakes in the Taamim. For missed words or letters-See Halacha 2! Mistake in vowelization or tune; Mistakes that change the meaning of the word:[2] If the Baal Korei mispronounced a letter or […]