Parshas Vayishlach The importance of the day of the wedding and its everlasting effect (Likkutei Sichos Vol. 30 3rd Sicha) In this week’s Parsha, Parshas Vayishlach, the names of the wives of Esav are mentioned. In total, he had three wives one of which one was the daughter of Ishmael […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Is shushing someone up a Hefsek in middle of a blessing?
Question: [Thursday 14th Kisleiv 5782] I was in middle of saying a blessing of Hamotzi by the Shabbos table when one of my small children started talking in middle, and I shushed him up to be quiet. I didn’t actually say any words but simply said to him “Shah.” Is […]
Seeing the moon-If the moon is covered by clouds may one recite Kiddush Levana
Seeing the moon-If the moon is covered by clouds may one recite Kiddush Levana? A. Obligation to benefit from the moon light: The blessing over the new moon may only be said at night when the moon shines and one thus benefits from its light.[1] It must shine to the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Reheating in Pareve oven a Pareve food that was originally cooked in meat oven
Question: [Wednesday, 13th Kisleiv, 5782] I originally baked a potato Kugel in a fleishig oven, and would like to know if I am allowed to reheat it in a Pareve oven, and what is the law if I ready did so, does my oven remain Pareve. Answer: If your meat […]
Traveling Restrictions-Returning home after already leaving the house, if one forgot something
Traveling restrictions-Returning home after already leaving the house, if one forgot something: Example: I left my house to go to work and realized I left something at home. May I return home to get it? What if I left my house in order to catch a flight, and realized I […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Having a drink in a non-religious home using their cups
Question: [Tuesday, 12th Kisleiv 5782] I often visit nonreligious families in their homes as part of my Shlichus work and it quite often occurs that I am offered a drink [of tea or coffee or water or soda] in one of their cups, either Glass or porcelain [i.e. China]. Is […]
Making sure that the Yud of your Tefillin Shel Yad remains Kosher
Making sure that the Kesher of the Yud of your Tefillin Shel Yad remains Kosher:[1] It is a Halacha from Moshe on Sinai that a knot in the shape of the letter Yud be formed by the Tefillin Shel Yad after the straps have been entered into its Mabarta. This […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Plucking grass in Eretz Yisrael during shemita
Question: [Monday 11th Kisleiv 5782] We were sitting on the lawn in a city in Israel playing with the grass and plucking it out when someone told us that you can’t do that during shemita. Is this correct? Answer: It is definitely proper to avoid plucking grass during Shemita. […]
The Segula of reciting the Mizmor of “Lamnatzeiach Ye’ancha” during pregnancy
The Segula of reciting the Mizmor of “Lamnatzeiach Ye’ancha” during pregnancy prior to retiring to sleep:[1] Throughout all the days of a woman’s pregnancy, the husband[2] is to say the Psalm of Lamnatzei’ach Ya’ancha [Kappitle 20, printed between Ashreiy and Uva Letziyon] prior to sleep. Repeating the last verse: At […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Learning Torah in one’s mind during Chazaras Hashatz
Question: [Sunday, 10th Kisleiv, 5782] During Chazaras Hashatz, is it permitted for one to learn Torah in his mind without verbalizing the words, for example to review something by heart, or to look into a sefer without actually reading from it? Answer: Although there exists a Limud Zechus for those […]