May the morning blessings be said after Shacharis if one forgot to say them beforehand? A. The general rule:[1] If one davened Shacharis prior to reciting the morning blessings he is to recite all[2] the morning blessings after davening [with exception to the blessings to be discussed below which are […]
Likkutei Sichos-Parshas Vayechi Which overrides, personal spiritual growth or public activism?
Parshas Vayechi Which overrides, personal spiritual growth or public activism? (Likkutei Sichos Vol. 15 Sicha 3) In this week’s Parsha, Parshas Vayechi, we learn of the passing of our forefather Yaakov. Prior to his passing, Yaakov blessed each one of his children with blessings that represented their personal future as […]
Parshas Veyechi-Summary of the Parsha
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on Parshas Vayechi Pesukim: 85 [Siman: פה אל פה] Haftorah: Melachim 1 2:1-12 Number of Mitzvos: There are no Positive or Negative commands mentioned in Parshas Vayechi. Rishon Yaakov summons Yosef and requests to be buried in Eretz […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Making an order on Amazon if the product may arrive or will be processed over Shabbos
Question: [Thursday, 12th Teves 5781] Is it permitted for me to make an order from Amazon if the arrival date is Shabbos? Also, on Amazon prime we are guaranteed the product within a certain time [i.e. two days,48 hours]. Am I allowed to order an Amazon prime product within 48 […]
Cleaning spills on Shabbos
Cleaning spills on Shabbos Introduction: Cleaning a spill on Shabbos involves two actions which touch upon a number of possible prohibitions. These two actions are: 1) Wetting the cloth with the spill and 2) Moving around the soaked cloth. Wetting a cloth on Shabbos touches upon a possible laundering and […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The law if one baked fish and meat in the oven simultaneously
Question: [Wednesday, 11th Teves, 5782] I guess I was never made aware of this, but a Shabbos guest of mine told me that it is forbidden to bake fish and meat simultaneously in the same oven. What do I now do with the fish and meat that was baked together […]
Walking into the Shul wearing Tallis and Tefillin
Walking into the Shul wearing Tallis and Tefillin:[1] According to the Zohar[2], one is to leave his house[3] and walk to the Shul wearing his Tallis [Katan and Gadol[4]] and Tefillin.[5] If this is not possible, then one should put on the Tallis and Tefillin in the courtyard of the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Eating by Asara Beteves Bris
Question: [Tuesday, 10th Teves 5782] We are having a Bris today. Does the father of the child have to fast? Answer: The Baal Bris [father of the child, Mohel and Sandak] are all required to fast the entire day of a fast day even though the Bris is taking […]
Bathing, anointing, wearing leather shoes, music on a fast day
Bathing, anointing, wearing leather shoes, on a fast day:[1] It is permitted to bathe, anoint, wear leather shoes, and have marital relations on a fast day other than Tisha B’av.[2] Nevertheless, a Baal Nefesh is to be stringent not to bathe [in hot water[3], if it does not involve a […]
From the Rav’s Desk: How many times must one immerse an item in the Mikveh Keilim?
Question: [Monday 2nd Teves 5782] How many times is one required to immerse a vessel in the Mikveh Keilim? I have heard that one time suffices but have been told that the custom is to immerse them three times. Answer: From the letter of the law, a single immersion suffices […]