What should one eat for Shalosh Seudos-The menu requirements for the third meal: A. Introduction: Every person, whether man or woman[1], is [rabbinically[2]] obligated to eat three meals on Shabbos.[3] The source behind the Shabbos meals:[4] [Although the eating of the Shabbos meals is Rabbinical in origin], it is hinted […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Chaim Walder-Making sense of the tragedy-My Practical resolutions
Question: [Wednesday, 25th Teves, 5782] As like every other Frum Jew most likely feels, I am in total shock over the tragic news involving the famous author and educator Chaim Walder, both from the actions that he was accused of doing as well as from his suicide. There’s so much […]
Comforting a mourner after Shiva-May/Should one do so?
May one comfort a mourner after Shiva if one did not do so beforehand?[1] Comforting an Avel for the passing of a parent: One who is in mourning for a parent may be comforted by others for the first 12 months. After 12 months, he is not to directly comforted […]
From the Rav’s Desk: When to eat dessert-before or after Bentching?
Question: [Tuesday, 24th Teves 5782] I was at someone Shabbos table and they were very particular to only bring the dessert to the table after everybody Bentched. I asked them about it and they said that that’s the tradition that they follow and that’s what they saw their parents do. […]
Supporting Torah learners-Yissachar and Zevulun deal
Supporting Torah learners-Yissachar and Zevulun deal:[1] Although every single Jew is obligated to study Torah, one who is unable to study Torah, either due to lack of knowledge, or due to lack of time, is to support other people who study.[2] One who supports a Torah learner is considered as […]
Does one answer Amen after hearing someone recite the blessing of Al Divrei Torah?
Does one answer Amen after hearing someone recite the blessing of “Al Divrei Torah” by Birchas Hatorah?[1] A. The Background & Dispute-Is Viharev Nah considered a separate blessing? There is a dispute recorded in the Poskim regarding if the second blessing of Viharev Na is considered a continuation of the […]
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Become a Member & Commit your support on this special Day Dear viewer of shulchanaruchharav.com, We hope that we find you all healthy and well. On the eve of the 24th of Teves, the day of the passing of the Alter Rebbe, we stretch our hand to you to partner […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Tevila to microwave plate
Question: [Monday 23rd Teves 5782] Is one required to immerse a glass microwave plate inside of a Mikveh? Answer: If you never plan on putting any food directly on the microwave plate, and rather plan on placing the food on a plate and then place the plate on the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Should one avoid saying Birchas Hashachar out loud?
Question: [Sunday, 22nd Teves, 5782] I know that the widespread Chabad custom is to avoid saying blessings aloud when there are other people around due to that it can accidentally cause others to fulfill their obligation of the blessing. I was wondering if this likewise applies to the morning blessing […]
Reciting Parshas Hakeida and Parshas Haman daily
1. Reciting Parshas HaAkeida daily:[1] It is proper[2] to say every day the paragraph in the Torah which discusses the sacrificing of Yitzchak [i.e. Akeidas Yitzchak]. The reason for its recital:[3] It is said in order to remind [G-d[4]] of the merits of our Forefathers, [and also to motivate oneself […]