Question: [Wednesday, 3rd Shevat, 5782] We are a family of converts, and have a Gentile relative who recently passed away and asked in his will to be cremated. We are his closest available relatives to arrange for the cremation to take place, and my question is from a Halachic perspective […]
Disowning the Shemita produce of one’s land-Part 1
Disowning the Shemita produce of one’s land-Part 1:[1] A. The mitzvah:[2] It is a positive command of the Torah for one [whether a man or woman[3]] to disown all the produce[4] that grows on his land during the seventh year. [Accordingly, one must give all Jews[5] access to collect the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Pouring non-Mevushal wine into the cup of a Gentile or nonreligious Jew
Question: [Tuesday, 2nd Shevat 5782] Is there any issue with pouring non-Mevushal wine into the cup of a nonreligious Jew or Gentile and does it affect the rest of the one in the bottle? Answer: It is permitted for one to pour Kosher non-Mevushal wine into the cup of […]
Standing up for a parent
Standing up for a parent:[1] One is obligated to stand for his father [or mother[2]].[3] [The Rebbe was accustomed to stand for his mother whenever his mother would enter the room.[4]] When: Some Poskim[5] rule that one is obligated to stand for a parent when he hears the parent enter, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Spending time with your spouse-how much and how often?
Question: [Monday 1st Shevat 5782] Is there any Torah or Halachic obligation for a husband to spend time with his wife? Obviously, couples must spend time with each other in order so the relationship grow and stay healthy. However, how often is the suggested practice? Every once in a while, […]
Reciting Hallel together with the Minyan
Reciting Hallel together with the Minyan:[1] It is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar to read Hallel together with the congregation immediately after [Shemoneh Esrei of] the Shacharis prayer.[2] Reading Hallel with the congregation prior to Shacharis?[3] If one came to Shul after the congregation completed the Shacharis prayer [of Shemoneh Esrei] […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Chitas and Pushka-A Segula to prevent car accidents
Question: [Sunday, 29th Teves, 5782] I have seen many times Lubavitchers placing a Pushka and/or Chitas in their car as a Segula against car accidents? Did the Rebbe ever speak of this matter? Answer: Placing a Siddur, Tehillim, and Tanya [i.e. Chitas], and also a Tzedaka Pushka, inside the […]
Standing for Mizmor Lesoda
Standing for Mizmor Lesoda:[1] One is required to stand for the recital of Mizmor Lesoda.[2] [Some Poskim[3], however, rule that according to the final ruling of Admur, one is not required to stand. Furthermore, some[4] rule one is specifically to recite Mizmor Lesoda in a sitting position. Practically, the Chabad […]
Likkutei Sichos-Every Jew will leave the exile
Parshas Vaeira No Jew will be left behind-is this really true? (Likkutei Sichos Vol. 11 Sicha 1) Parshas Vaeira begins in the middle of the confrontation between Moshe and G-d regarding the redemption of the Jewish people. In the previous Parsha of Shemos G-d instructs Moshe to tell the Jewish […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Talking while washing hands
Question: [Thursday, 26th Teves 5781] Last Shabbos I was talking to someone while washing hands and was told by an individual that it’s forbidden to talk while washing. I was kind of surprised, as while I always knew you can’t talk after washing until the blessing of Hamotzi is recited, […]