Standing up for a parent

Standing up for a parent:[1] One is obligated to stand for his father [or mother[2]].[3] [The Rebbe was accustomed to stand for his mother whenever his mother would enter the room.[4]] When: Some Poskim[5] rule that one is obligated to stand for a parent when he hears the parent enter, […]

Reciting Hallel together with the Minyan

Reciting Hallel together with the Minyan:[1] It is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar to read Hallel together with the congregation immediately after [Shemoneh Esrei of] the Shacharis prayer.[2] Reading Hallel with the congregation prior to Shacharis?[3] If one came to Shul after the congregation completed the Shacharis prayer [of Shemoneh Esrei] […]

Standing for Mizmor Lesoda

Standing for Mizmor Lesoda:[1] One is required to stand for the recital of Mizmor Lesoda.[2] [Some Poskim[3], however, rule that according to the final ruling of Admur, one is not required to stand. Furthermore, some[4] rule one is specifically to recite Mizmor Lesoda in a sitting position. Practically, the Chabad […]