Question: [Sunday, 14th Shevat, 5782] I am accustomed whenever I write a formal letter or email to begin with the words Shalom Ubracha as did the Rebbe. My question is regarding if there is any issue in writing this when the letter is intended to a woman. [I am a […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Warming one’s hands near the flames of Shabbos candles
Question: [Thursday, 11th Shevat 5782] In the winter, when I come back from Shul on Friday night my hands are freezing. May I warm them by placing them near the Shabbos candles? Answer: Yes. There is no halachic issue to warm dry hands near the Shabbos candles on Shabbos. […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Loving one’s Rebbe
Question: [Wednesday, 10th Shevat, 5782] One of the questions I’ve always had on Chasidim [and I guess today also against some in the Litvish world who have today adapted to this position regarding their own rabbis and leaders], is what seems to be obsessive feelings and emotions that they have […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Placing tefillin on top of Sefarim
Question: [Tuesday, 9th Shevat 5782] Is there any issue with resting Tefillin on top of a Sefer? Is there any difference between the actual Tefillin themselves, versus the tefillin while they are in the bag, and versus the tefillin cases? Answer: It is best not to rest Tefillin on […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Eating fish with Pareve food that was baked in oven simultaneously with meat
Question: [Monday 8th Shevat 5782] I baked potatoes in my oven together at the same time that I was baking chicken. Both were uncovered when they were baking. May I eat these potatoes together with fish? Answer: No, the potatoes are considered meaty and are not to be eaten […]
Having a Kos Shel Bracha while Bentching-Part 2-The final ruling
Having a cup of wine [i.e. Kos Shel Bracha] while Bentching:[1] A. The dispute: See Yesterdays daily halacha. B. The final ruling: There is no final Halachic arbitration regarding whether we rule like the opinion which holds that it is an obligation to Bentch over a cup of wine or […]
Having a Kos Shel Bracha while Bentching-Part 1-The Various opinions
Having a cup of wine [i.e. Kos Shel Bracha] while Bentching:[1] There is a dispute recorded regarding the obligation of having a cup of wine, otherwise known as a Kos Shel Bracha, present while reciting Birchas Hamazon, and then having a blessing of Hagafen recited over it at the conclusion […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Sinew of Bayis of tefillin came out of its groove
Question: [Sunday, 7th Shevat, 5782] I had recently sent my tefillin to be checked and when they returned with a kosher verification from the Sofer I noticed that one of the corner sinews which tie the Bayis was loose and came out of its groove and is now resting on […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Pouring the Kiddush wine into a second cup, and drinking from the second cup
Question: [Thursday, 4th Shevat 5781] I am accustomed when I make Kiddush to pour out some of the wine into another cup prior to drinking from it, as brought down in the Alter Rebbe in order to avoid the issue of Pagum for the listeners who will be drinking from my […]
Disowning the Shemita produce of one’s land-Part 2
Disowning the Shemita produce of one’s land-Part 2:[1] Summary: Every person who grows produce which is defined as a Kedushas Shevi’is in his field must disown the product and give entrance for all people to be able to come and partake from the food. How to be Mafkir the produce:[2] […]