
Sefichin:[1] All vegetation and plants that grew during Shemitah are Rabbinically forbidden to be eaten. This prohibition is called Sefichin. The prohibition includes any vegetation or grains that grew, even from seeds that fell the previous year, and certainly towards vegetation that was planted intentionally.[2] Fruits of a tree: Fruits […]

Shemitah Produce

Laws relevant to Shemitah produce? The following laws apply towards Shemitah produce: Must be disowned from one’s land Sefichin: All non-tree produce grown during Shemitah is forbidden to be eaten Forbidden to destroy Shemitah produce. Forbidden to do business with Shemitah produce. Forbidden to bring Shemitah produce to Diaspora. Forbidden […]

The Forbidden Melachos 2

Planting: A. What items are forbidden to be planted during Shemitah? It is forbidden to plant any produce during Shemitah. This includes:[1] Fruits Vegetables Non-fruit baring trees[2] Roses Flowers Grass   B. May one ask a gentile to plant for oneself?[3] It is forbidden to ask a gentile to plant […]

The Forbidden Melachos

1. The Biblical Melachos:[1] It is Biblically forbidden to perform any of the following Melachos during [Biblical] Shemitah: Seeding [Zeria] Harvesting [Ketzira or Betzira] Pruning [Zemira] Plowing[2][Charisha] Planting [Netia]     2. The Rabbinical Melachos: It is Rabbinically forbidden to perform any of the following Melachos [even during Biblical Shemitas]: […]

Biblical or Rabbinical?

Is Shemitah today Biblical or Rabbinical?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule it is of Biblical obligation.[3] Other Poskim[4] rule that the observance of Shemitah in today’s times is of only Rabbinical obligation.[5] Other Poskim[6] rule that it is not at all obligatory today, even on a Rabbinical level, and is only observed […]

Calculation of Shemitah

The Shemitah calculation for today’s calendar: The cycle first began when the Jews entered Eretz Yisrael and settled the lands. This occurred 14 years after the entrance into Eretz Yisrael, as it took 7 years to conquest the land and another 7 to settle it. They then counted Shemitahs and […]

Introduction to Shemitah

Introduction-The Torah verses: The Torah[1] commands us that every seventh year one must sanctify the year as Shemitah. The Shemitah year entails a number of laws and regulations that relate to one’s land, ground produce, and loans. One is commanded to rest the land.[2] One may not sow the field […]

Blessing over Hallel

The blessing over Hallel:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that whenever half Hallel is recited, it is to be said without saying a blessing before or after.[3] Other Poskim[4] however rule that if the Hallel is being recited with a Minyan[5] then a before and after blessing is to be recited[6], however […]