Eating before counting

Eating before counting:[1] One must refrain from eating even a small a meal a half hour prior to the time of the Sefirah[2], which is a half hour before Bein Hashmashos [i.e. sunset].[3] This applies even if one has already Davened Maariv but has not yet recited Sefiras HaOmer.[4] If […]

The Mourning Period

When between Pesach and Shavuos is one to practice the mourning customs?[1] One is required to practice the mourning customs for 33 days between Pesach and Shavuos.[2] A variety of customs and opinions exist regarding the exact dates of which the mourning customs are to be practiced between Pesach and […]

The Mourning Customs

The Mourning period: It is accustomed amongst Jewry to observe certain customs of mourning within the period between Pesach and Shavuos. The reason:[1] The reason behind this custom is because during this time period 12,000 study partners, which were the twenty four thousand students of Rebbe Akiva, passed away.[2] In […]

Women counting

Women:[1] Women are exempt from the Mitzvah of Sefiras HaOmer.[2] [Likewise, based on Kabala, women are not applicable to this Mitzvah.[3]] However in certain provinces[4] women have accepted this Mitzvah upon themselves as a complete obligation.[5] [In such provinces the women are obligated to count due to this custom.[6]] All […]

Understanding Hashgachas

How is it possible for stores to provide produce in a Shemitah year? There are various options used by Hashgacha companies in providing produce towards the law abiding consumers. Gidul Nachrim [Is followed by the Eida; not followed by Benei Brak Hashgachas] Oatzer Beis Din [Used by some Mehadrin Hashgachas; […]

Misc Laws of Shemitah

Misc Laws of Shemitah Giving Shemitah produce to a gentile:[1] It is forbidden to give Shemitah produce to a gentile.[2] May one offer a gentile in one’s home Shemitah food to eat?[3] Yes.   May one give Shemitah produce to one who will not treat it with Kedushas Sheviis? This […]

Kedushas Sheviis

Discarding Shemitah produce-Forbidden to destroy, cause loss or damage: It is forbidden to cause loss or damage to Shemitah produce.[1] It is however permitted to cause indirect loss to Shemitah produce.[2] Shemitah garbage: It is forbidden to discard Shemitah produce within a regular garbage bag as doing so is a belittlement […]

Gidul Nachrim

Gidul Nachrim-Produce of a gentile grown in Israel:[1] It is disputed amongst the Poskim as to the Kedusha status of products grown in Gentile owned lands within Eretz Yisrael. Some Poskim[2] rule that fruits grown by a gentile in Eretz Yisrael do not have a status of Shemitah produce, as […]