Eating before counting:[1] One must refrain from eating even a small a meal a half hour prior to the time of the Sefirah[2], which is a half hour before Bein Hashmashos [i.e. sunset].[3] This applies even if one has already Davened Maariv but has not yet recited Sefiras HaOmer.[4] If […]
The Mourning Period
When between Pesach and Shavuos is one to practice the mourning customs?[1] One is required to practice the mourning customs for 33 days between Pesach and Shavuos.[2] A variety of customs and opinions exist regarding the exact dates of which the mourning customs are to be practiced between Pesach and […]
The Mourning Customs
The Mourning period: It is accustomed amongst Jewry to observe certain customs of mourning within the period between Pesach and Shavuos. The reason:[1] The reason behind this custom is because during this time period 12,000 study partners, which were the twenty four thousand students of Rebbe Akiva, passed away.[2] In […]
Women counting
Women:[1] Women are exempt from the Mitzvah of Sefiras HaOmer.[2] [Likewise, based on Kabala, women are not applicable to this Mitzvah.[3]] However in certain provinces[4] women have accepted this Mitzvah upon themselves as a complete obligation.[5] [In such provinces the women are obligated to count due to this custom.[6]] All […]
Mitzvah of Sefiras Haomer
The Mitzvah: It is a positive command of the Torah for every single Jew[1] to count seven weeks worth of days starting from the offering of the Omer. [In the times of the Temple the Omer was offered on the 16th of Nissan, the second day of Pesach. The Omer […]
Understanding Hashgachas
How is it possible for stores to provide produce in a Shemitah year? There are various options used by Hashgacha companies in providing produce towards the law abiding consumers. Gidul Nachrim [Is followed by the Eida; not followed by Benei Brak Hashgachas] Oatzer Beis Din [Used by some Mehadrin Hashgachas; […]
Misc Laws of Shemitah
Misc Laws of Shemitah Giving Shemitah produce to a gentile:[1] It is forbidden to give Shemitah produce to a gentile.[2] May one offer a gentile in one’s home Shemitah food to eat?[3] Yes. May one give Shemitah produce to one who will not treat it with Kedushas Sheviis? This […]
Kedushas Sheviis
Discarding Shemitah produce-Forbidden to destroy, cause loss or damage: It is forbidden to cause loss or damage to Shemitah produce.[1] It is however permitted to cause indirect loss to Shemitah produce.[2] Shemitah garbage: It is forbidden to discard Shemitah produce within a regular garbage bag as doing so is a belittlement […]
Gidul Nachrim
Gidul Nachrim-Produce of a gentile grown in Israel:[1] It is disputed amongst the Poskim as to the Kedusha status of products grown in Gentile owned lands within Eretz Yisrael. Some Poskim[2] rule that fruits grown by a gentile in Eretz Yisrael do not have a status of Shemitah produce, as […]
Definition of Shemitah Produce
What is defined as Shemitah produce? The produce of the land passes through various stages of production, from plantation to blossom, to growth and harvest. The question is asked as to what stage is defined as the Shemitah product stage. In other words when is a produce that went through […]