Brushing dust/dirt from clothing [without using water]:[1] *This Halacha does not apply to removing wet or dry mud from clothing, and does not apply to using water or other liquids to clean the garment Some opinions[2] rule that it is [Biblically[3]] forbidden to shake off earth or dust from a […]
Damage caused by one’s objects left in a public area
Damage caused by one’s objects left in a public area: It is an act of piety for a person to hide his sharp objects [nails/glass], and any other damaging item, in an area that will not cause any potential harm/damage, such as to throw them in the river or to […]
Chazaras Hashatz if only five people from within the Minyan Davened together
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on May Chazaras Hashatz be recited if only five people Davened together?[1] In general, a Minyan requires ten people to be in the room, and six people to have Davened together Sheoneh Esrei in order to recite Chazaras Hashatz. Nevertheless, in […]