Wishing good Shabbos after Mincha on Shabbos

Wishing good Shabbos after the time of Mincha:[1] There is a known custom not to wish good Shabbos or say Shalom Aleichem between Mincha and Maariv on Shabbos, during Bein Hashmashos.[2]   _____________________________________________________________   [1] Piskeiy Teshuvos 292/8 in name of Sefer Matamim and Otzer Minhagei Yeshurun; Mentioned in Makor […]

From when may one say Karbanos before Mincha

At what time may one begin to recite Karbanos for Mincha?[1] The Karbanos for Mincha are not to be recited prior to 6.5 hours into the day, which is 30 minutes after midday, and the earliest legal time in which Mincha may be Davened.[2] _________________________________________________________ [1] Shraga Hameir 7/20; Piskeiy […]

Women wearing socks and stockings

Women wearing socks/stockings:[1] It is forbidden for men to learn Torah or Daven opposite a woman’s legs [literally, Shoka] as the legs are considered an area of privacy by a woman, and is therefore an Erva to be revealed. [It is therefore necessary for women and girls to cover their […]

Standing for Kaddish

Standing for Kaddish and Barchu:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule it is not necessary [for the listeners] to stand during the recital of Kaddish and Barchu. Other Poskim[3] rule one is required to stand upon answering Kaddish or any Davar Shebekedusha [i.e. a matter that requires a Minyan].[4] Practically, it is proper […]

Aliyah of Kol Hanearim

Kol Hanearim:[1] It is a worldly custom that on Simchas Torah all the male children receive an Aliyah to the Torah.[2] This Aliyah is customarily known as Kol Hanearim.[3] It is customary to spread a Tallis over the heads of the children during this Aliyah.[4] It is likewise customary to […]

Crying on Shabbos

May one cry on Shabbos? One who receives pleasure from crying, may cry on Shabbos.[1] Thus, one may cry out of feelings of yearning and Dveikus for Hashem, such as occurs by those who Daven with concentration.[2] Furthermore, if one is saddened by a certain matter, and by crying over […]