Examples of noise making items

Examples of noise making items that may not be used to intentionally make noise with on Shabbos: Bell Gragger; Ratchet Whistle Door Knocker Q&A May one ring bells or other instruments with an irregularity?[1] No.[2]   May a child play with toys that make music or noise? Some Poskim allow […]

Using an instrument or vessel

Making sounds, rhythms or music on Shabbos using an instrument or vessel:[1] Making sounds of music with an instrument: It is forbidden to make the sound of music, including a mere tune[2], on Shabbos, using any instrument or vessel, even if the instrument or vessel is not a musical instrument[3].[4] […]

18. The laws of Muktzah on Yom Tov

This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 18. The laws of Muktzah on Yom Tov:[1] A. The laws of Muktzah relevant on Yom Tov in contrast to Shabbos: It was already explained in the laws of Shabbos that the Muktzah prohibition applicable on Shabbos is only […]

17. The law of Nolad

This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here 17. The law of Nolad: A. The stringent opinion by Nolad, its definition and the Final Ruling:[1] There are opinions which say that every Muktzah which is permitted on Shabbos is [likewise] permitted on Yom Tov, however all [items […]

13. The laws of a Basis

This article is an excerpt from To purchase this Sefer, click here Introduction: This Halacha will discuss the laws of Muktzah items being moved in the process of moving non-Muktzah items. For example, may one move a non-Muktzah item which has a Muktzah item on top of it? This question is […]