May one recite Birchas Hatorah after Shacharis?[1] Example-If one has already prayed Shacharis and then recalled that he forgot to say Birchas Hatorah, should it still be recited? Initially one is to recite Birchas Hatorah prior to Davening, if he does not plan to learn Torah immediately after Davening.[2] If […]
Saying Birchas Hatorah if one did not sleep at night
Is one to recite Birchas Hatorah if he did not sleep at night?[1] One is to recite Birchas Hatorah even if he did not sleep at all the previous night. [There is no need to try to hear the blessing from another person.[2]] However the blessing may only be said […]
Saying Birchas Hatorah if one awakened at night before dawn
Check out our Amazon Sefarim Shop * This article is an excerpt from the above book WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Sponsor an Article Reciting Birchas Hatorah prior to learning if woke up in middle of the night:[1] If one slept [a standard sleep[2]] and woke up prior to dawn, while […]
How often is Birchas Hatorah to be recited
How often should Birchas Hatorah be recited?[1] The blessing over Torah study is recited only once a day, in the morning [as part of Birchas Hashachar], prior to beginning learning Torah that day. It is not recited again any other time that day, until the next morning.[2] This applies even […]
An uneducated Jew saying Birchas Hatorah
Is an uneducated Jew to recite Birchas Hatorah even if he is unable to understand the words of Torah?[1] Every Jew, including an uneducated Jew, is to recite Birchas Hatorah in the morning and then recite the verses of “Yivarechicha”.[2] [1] Hilchos Talmud Torah 2/12; See also Ashel Butchach Avraham […]
Women saying Birchas Hatorah
Are women obligated to recite Birchas Hatorah?[1] Women are obligated[2] to recite Birchas Hatorah.[3] [1] 47/10; Michaber 47/14 in name of Igur; M”A 47/14; See Biur Halacha 47/14 “Nashim”; Likutei Sichos 14 p.48 [2] Is this an obligation or a voluntary matter? The Levush 47/14 writes that women are obligated […]
Where is one to recite Birchas Hatorah-At home or in shul?
Is Birchas Hatorah to be recited at home or in Shul? Our custom is to recite it at home together with all the morning blessings, as explained in Chapter 8. What if one is a Baal Keri? One is to nevertheless say the blessing of Birchas Hatorah in order not […]
Where within prayer is one to recite Birchas Hatorah
Where within prayer is one to recite Birchas Hatorah:[1] Our custom, as written in the Siddur, is to recite Birchas Hatorah immediately after the morning blessings. The following is the ruling of Admur in the Shulchan Aruch regarding when the blessing is to be said. Some places have the custom […]
What is one to learn after reciting Birchas Hatorah
What is one to learn after Birchas Hatorah? The custom is to recite the verses of Birchas Kohanim[1] [and the Mishna of Eilu Dvarim[2]] immediately after reciting Birchas Hatorah, and through doing so one fulfills his obligation of learning Torah immediately after the blessing.[3] Nevertheless from the letter of the […]
Learning Torah immediately after Birchas Hatorah
Must one learn Torah immediately after reciting the blessing?[1] It is proper to beware to learn Torah immediately after reciting Birchas Hatorah and not to make any interval between the blessing and the learning. For this reason the custom is to recite the verses of Birchas Kohanim immediately after reciting […]