A door-less opening:[1] Openings which do not have doors are nevertheless obligated to have a Mezuzah. However some Poskim[2] exempt such an opening from needing a Mezuzah.[3] Thus, in order to fulfill ones obligation according to all opinions, when one places a Mezuzah on a door-less opening he should […]
A ship:[1] The rooms of a ship are exempt from a Mezuzah.[2] [However those ships that contain permanent rooms of living, as is common in all boats and ships of today, some Poskim[3] rule they are obligated to have a Mezuzah. Other Poskim[4] however rule that the rooms of all […]
A Sukkah
A Sukkah:[1] A Sukkah is not obligated to have a Mezuzah.[2] [1] Michaber 286/11 [2] The reason: As it is not a permanent dwelling. [Shach 286/21; Taz 286/10] Bookmark
Is a laboratory or x-ray room obligated in a Mezuzah?[1] One is to place a Mezuzah without a blessing. [1] See Pischeiy Shearim 286/139 Bookmark
Mobile Home
Are the doors of a mobile home obligated to have a Mezuzah? If one lives in the home on a permanent basis, it is obligated in Mezuzah.[1] If however one does not live in it on a permanent basis, then it is not obligated to have a Mezuzah. [1] […]
Is an office obligated to have a Mezuzah? An office shares the same status as a store and is hence to have a Mezuzah placed without a blessing. Is the entrance of an office building obligated to have a Mezuzah?[1] An office building which contains Jewish offices is to […]
Stores:[1] Stores do not require a Mezuzah.[2] [However some Poskim[3] rule that only temporary store booths, such as the booths of a fair, are exempt from having a Mezuzah[4], however permanent stores are obligated in a Mezuzah.[5] Practically one is to place the Mezuzah without a blessing.[6]] Store inside […]
Stairway/Guard house; Garden
Doors of a Staircase/Guard house/Garden:[1] The door of a staircase, guard house or garden is obligated to have a Mezuzah if the area leads to an opening which is obligated to have a Mezuzah. Thus the doors of stairways which lead to apartments are obligated to have a Mezuzah. […]
Diaper changing room
A diaper changing room:[1] A room which is used to change diapers, or that has other forms of excrement in it, should have the Mezuzah of its doorpost covered. [1] Michaber 286/5; Shach 289/9 Other opinions: Some Poskim rule one should not place Mezuzahs in such a room. [Bach, […]
House or room of Women
The house/room of women: The home or room of a woman is obligated to have a Mezuzah.[1] If it is a room which serves as an actual place of dwelling, then it is obligated to have a Mezuzah even if she is accustomed to be unclothed inside the room, […]