What is one to do if his Tallis Gadol/Katan arrived in middle of Davening? Pesukei Dezimra:[1] One who did not have a Tallis [Gadol/Katan] [or forgot to put on a Tallis[2]] until he reached Yishtabach, is not to recite a blessing over the Tallis [Gadol/Katan] between Pesukei Dezimra [i.e. […]
Repeating words in Davening
1. May one repeat words in Davening? Certain words and sentences of reference to Hashem are forbidden to be repeated in close proximity if it can be viewed that the repetition is for the sake of a second deity. Although in the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch only specific phrases of […]
Reciting Shema before sunrise
Saying Shema prior to sunrise:[1] When Davening in a Vaasikin/Neitz Minyan:[2] The initial time for Davening Shemoneh Esrei is by sunrise. It is a Mitzvah Min Hamuvchar to read the Shema slightly prior to sunrise, intending to complete the Shema and its last blessing of Goal Yisrael with sunrise. Immediately […]
Davening with feces in another room
May one pray or learn in a room if he can see feces from his open door/window?[1] Cannot smell feces: If a person is in one room reading the Shema and the feces are in another room, then even if the door is opened between the two rooms and […]
Davening near a bathroom
Praying and learning Torah near a bathroom:[1] It is Biblically forbidden to learn Torah or pray within the sight or within a four cubit radius [i.e. two meters] of the walls of a bathroom, just as it is prohibited to learn or pray within the sight or within four cubits […]
Davening within sight of a mobile bathroom
Previous Halacha:: [1] If the bathroom in the park is its own structure, such as a mobile bathroom, or a building that is designated only as a bathroom, then one may not learn or pray within its four cubits [i.e. two meters]. Likewise one may not learn or pray if the […]
How to Daven for another-Mentioning names
How to pray on behalf of another:[1] One who is praying and arousing mercy on behalf of another, needs to mention his name in the prayer, if he is not making the request in front of the person. [Even one who is praying for his father is to mention his […]
Davening for Reshaim
Davening for Reshaim:[1] It is a Mitzvah to Daven for Reshaim that they should repent and not enter Gihennim. It is forbidden for one to Daven for a Rasha to die. [1] Zohar Parshas Vayeira; Midrash Hanelam p. 105; Kaf Hachaim 119/7 Bookmark
Davening for a gentile
May one Daven for a gentile or Mumar, such as for him to recover from an illness, or for him to have blessing in his Parnasa, or to find a spouse and have children?[1] It is permitted to Daven on behalf of a gentile or Mumar that does good […]
Davening on behalf of one’s children
Davening for healthy children that follow the path of Torah:[1] It is proper for one to Daven daily on behalf of his livelihood and that the words of Torah do not cede from his mouth or the mouth of his children and that all of his descendants be true servants […]