General Summary On Erev Rosh Hashanah of the end of the sixth year of Shemitah [and also of the end of the seventh year of Shemitah] one is to perform a Peruzbal in front of a court of three Jews. It is performed following Hataras Nedarim. One states before the […]
Loan to a Gentile
Loan to a Gentile:[1] The Shemitas Kesafim laws only apply to a loan made to a Jew. A loan that was made to a non-Jew is to be collected even after Shemitah. Q&A If one owes money to a non-observant Jew may he pay the lender back the money […]
Salaries-Are owed salaries considered a loan that require a Peruzbal by the worker?[1] Workers that receive a monthly salary from a Jewish employer are not required to make a Peruzbal for a salary that will not be due to be received until after Rosh Hashanah of Shemitah.[2] However those salaries […]
Is credit considered a loan that requires a Peruzbal?[1] The general rule is that credit is not considered a loan and hence is not abolished with the Shemitah year. The reason for this is because the credit money is not yet considered owed but rather “to be owed in the […]
Cases Peruzbal isn’t required
Cases that a Peruzbal is not required: A. Mashkon/Collateral:[1] If one lent money in exchange for an object from the borrower to serve as collateral for the loan then the Shemitah year does not abolish this loan [and a Peruzbal is not required].[2] If the collateral is worth less […]
When should it be performed
When should the Peruzbal be performed?[1] Initially the Peruzbal is to be performed at the end of the sixth year, prior to Rosh Hashanah of the seventh year.[2] [It is a Mitzvah to publicize this matter as it is not well known to the public.[3] It is proper to […]
A valid court
The criteria for a valid court?[1] As explained above the Peruzbal is only effective if it is performed before a valid court of law. A valid court consists of any three Kosher[2] Jewish men. [1] Admur 35; Rama 67/18 “One may be lenient in these times” Other opinions: Many Poskim […]
Owning property
Owning Property:[1] A Peruzbal is only valid if the borrower possesses some[2] piece of land or an object connected to land.[3] It is valid even if the borrower does not actually own the land but possesses it through renting, or borrowing it even temporarily [during the time that the lender […]
In today’s times
In today’s times must one perform a Peruzbal in order to request the payment of loans after Shemitah?[1] The widespread custom today [i.e. times of Rosh/Michaber/Admur] in these provinces is not to perform a Peruzbal and nevertheless allow one to demand the paying back of a loan even after […]
The Peruzbal process
The Peruzbal process:[1] Before the Shemitah year begins the lender is to gather a valid court of three Kosher Jews [see Halacha 6] and state to them “I hereby hand to you all the debts that are owed to me [and through doing so] I should be allowed to […]